OpenDesign-WorkingGroup / Open-Design-Definition

Open Design Definition
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What about the political side of openness? #6

Closed openp2pdesign closed 10 years ago

openp2pdesign commented 11 years ago

[Question asked during the January 28th 2012 event at Aalto Media Factory]

What about the political side of openness? How should it be addressed in the definition, and which possible different directions we have to consider? What about the background of the open culture for Open Design?

aitormendez commented 11 years ago

The following is an introduction of the speech I wrote past year for the Open Design and Shared creativity Congress. In this moment I'm not totally sure of the role of Open Design in the social structure as seems in this introduction, but I think this can be a good starting point to talk about political aspects of Open Design:

The politics of language in graphic design. Interventon at Open Design and Shared Creativity congress. Madrid Junio 2012.


This presentation aims to be an approach to open design through an unusual perspective, language. Open design is, to a large extent, the extrapolation of free software’s methods and goals to the field of design. Thus it is understandable that its proposals arise from tools that enable collaboration and how the results of design work can be shared. Language is a fundamental and unavoidable tool in design work, and it is surprising that no one, to my knowledge, has ever broached the issue of language from the perspective of open design.

But, what is the question that we have to approach? What are free software and culture about? Are transparency, collaboration and reusability aims by themselves? Most of the approaches and debates regarding open design seem to implicitly answer yes, losing sight of the fact that transparency, collaboration and reusability are mere strategies for a single purpose: the emancipation of the individual from the various powers that try to impose their conditions of existence. This aim could also be defined as the attempt to balance the forces between large power structures and individuals, giving back to them the chance to intervene and participate effectively in the organisation of their own existence. This question, and no other, is the spirit that should guide open design. This claim may seem obvious but it is increasingly necessary to pose due to the multitude of cases of misappropriation, or rather expropriation that the market executes regarding free and open strategies. We can see how the market uses free strategies to pursue its own ends, very far from equilibrium and social equality claimed in the premises of a free cultural movement.

In other words, open design should always be considered in its political dimension, because transparency, collaboration and release of resources are strategies that do not fully guarantee the balance and social justice by themselves.

The dichotomy between these two meanings of open design -the one that identifies a political dimension as its purpose and its raison d'être, and the one that is merely to implement a range of strategies that could also be used to promote the emancipation of the individual and, instead, supports their subordination- is, in fact, the same as it is given in the field of free software between these two meanings "open source" and "free software". It would be appropriate, therefore, to address these two areas as open and free design layout.

openp2pdesign commented 11 years ago

Many thanks @aitormendez for the long and elaborated suggestion! :)

From it, I would add this text to the Definition (to make it shorter):

"In Open Design projects transparency, collaboration and reusability are strategies for the emancipation of the individual from the various powers that try to impose their conditions of existence. This aim could also be defined as the attempt to balance the forces between large power structures and individuals, giving back to them the chance to intervene and participate effectively in the organisation of their own existence."

And I would add a short addition about the impact of design on the social, economic and environmental dimension (which are linked to all the definitions and issues in the maker movement about repairing / recycling and all the activism in the design field about sustainability):

"Open Design should always be considered in its political dimension, because transparency, collaboration and release of resources are strategies that do not fully guarantee the balance and social justice by themselves. Furthermore, by making open design project we will unconver their political dimension by making everybody aware of the impact on the social, economic, and environmental dimension of everybody's life"

Maybe this is a bit different and far from what you were writing, but it is a mix of different issues in the design world.. let me know what you think!

About the difference Open Design - Free Design (a complex theme): I don't think it should be part of this definition, if anybody feel the needs of a Free Design Definition that would probably be another project (since this is about Open Design)

openp2pdesign commented 11 years ago

I've added the previous block of text to the definition with the commit 46ba336

aitormendez commented 11 years ago

I agree! Thank you for this incorporation.


El 10/04/2013, a las 13:07, Massimo Menichinelli escribió:

Many thanks @aitormendez for the long and elaborated suggestion! :)

From it, I would add this text to the Definition (to make it shorter):

"In Open Design projects transparency, collaboration and reusability are strategies for the emancipation of the individual from the various powers that try to impose their conditions of existence. This aim could also be defined as the attempt to balance the forces between large power structures and individuals, giving back to them the chance to intervene and participate effectively in the organisation of their own existence."

And I would add a short addition about the impact of design on the social, economic and environmental dimension (which are linked to all the definitions and issues in the maker movement about repairing / recycling and all the activism in the design field about sustainability):

"Open Design should always be considered in its political dimension, because transparency, collaboration and release of resources are strategies that do not fully guarantee the balance and social justice by themselves. Furthermore, by making open design project we will unconver their political dimension by making everybody aware of the impact on the social, economic, and environmental dimension of everybody's life"

Maybe this is a bit different and far from what you were writing, but it is a mix of different issues in the design world.. let me know what you think!

About the difference Open Design - Free Design (a complex theme): I don't think it should be part of this definition, if anybody feel the needs of a Free Design Definition that would probably be another project (since this is about Open Design)

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