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Should we hide the taxonomic terms not filled out on the sides of our topic pages and sub-pages? #751

Closed acorbi closed 6 years ago

acorbi commented 7 years ago

Is it better for the user to see the structure even when they can’t click on most of the terms? The only site where most taxonomic terms are live is ODC.

screenshot from 2017-02-08 12-18-39

acorbi commented 7 years ago

@prustar @gimmemochi @tthy @Huyeng ping

jpeizer1 commented 7 years ago

Actually the only instance where many taxonomic terms are live is ODC, easily less than half are filled out and the % could be closer to only 1/3 even on ODC. I would also suggest the question be rephrased as "Should we hide the taxonomic terms not filled out on the sides of our topic pages and sub-pages that have information on them?" I think the combination of no data on a number of country sites and these empty taxonomic entries give the user and donor a sense of a half empty store. So I would suggest hiding them there. I think it is a good idea for somewhere on a country site (in its own separate page) for all taxonomic terms to be listed with a request to help fill out the missing items as Andy suggested some months ago. I just don't think showing a bunch of empty sub-topics on our Topic information pages that do have information on them is the best place.

acorbi commented 7 years ago

@jpeizer1 a bit long, but i changed the title... I'll add this Issue in the upcoming Tech report so folks provide feedback

prustar commented 7 years ago

I'm all for hiding the topics/sub-topics on the side bar when there is no content for these topics available. However agree that there needs to be somewhere that we list the available (even potentially empty) topics are accessible to people from somewhere to be informative.

Currently on the HOME page under topics this is not evident that we actually have any other topic other than on water. Then when you select TOPIC on the home page the list is presented in no particular order and a bit jumbled and random. There needs to be some form of narrative to the topics we present and currently there isn't so we need to use these structures to present one for the user to explore. Even if it's presented in the current taxonomy hierarchy till we can curate this better.



I suggested a while ago a linkages to pages that would direct users up and down (back and forward) at the bottom of topic pages so that they could read content in a logical order if they choose to or select topics they are interested in on the side bar. -- @acorbi can you please find the original issue where this was previously raised?

Huyeng commented 7 years ago

Regarding hiding the taxonomic terms from navigation, ODC team is considering if the empty terms should be hidden or not. Most of ODC users are returning visitor (60%) who may already familiar with ODC's taxonomy, so reducing the terms may surprise to them since the site was launched about a year ago. For other reason, ODC will work on any content on public health, eg. the HIV/Aids, if a number of empty terms is hidden, there will be a question that if the only the HIV/AIDs is the priority health concern in Cambodia?

We understood that it is good to show those empty topics on the other country sites or Mekong. Thus, i would like to suggest to provide the option on the setting to allow the country to be able to hide or show the unclickable terms on their site.


jpeizer1 commented 7 years ago

@Huyeng Actually I just checked google analytics and I think you may have the statistics reversed. Your new visitors to the new site are actually 68.93%. It was slightly lower for the old site at 61%. So most site visitors would not be familiar with the taxonomy. Still I think the idea of providing an option to hide or not is a good idea.

New ODC Site Sep 2016 - Feb 2017
Sessions: 195,638 New Users: 134,863 New Visitor 134,863(68.93%) Returning Visitor 60,775(31.07%)

Old Site Jan 2105 - Aug 2016 Sessions: 884,006 New Users: 542,415 New Visitor 542,451(61.36%) Returning Visitor 341,555(38.64%)

acorbi commented 7 years ago

@DBishton @gimmemochi any thoughts?

DBishton commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

While the ODI team internally was agreed on hiding taxonomic terms in the context of ODM and the other new country sites, ODC has a user base that has now adjusted to the new site and the use of the taxonomy widget to navigate between topic pages. I think this discussion has demonstrated that there are different views on how best to improve this method of navigation, and while it would be ideal if each country site could toggle this functionality on or off, I think it is vital that core navigation features like this remain consistent between sites.

My view is that changing the way this operates requires a revamped means of navigating/UI concept that considers:

jpeizer1 commented 7 years ago

@DBishton I think we need to separate the question of showing the entire taxonomy "somewhere" on the site, which we all seem to concur with, from showing the entire, mostly empty, taxonomy running down the side of our topic pages that do contain information.

What precisely is the benefit of a user seeing a list 500+ topics/subtopics running down the right side of the Topic pages when the vast majority contain no information on 4/5ths of our country sites? It only serves to starkly demonstrates the amount of information we don't have on information pages designed to show what we do have. It gives the tantalizing impression this information will be filled out in due course when we know it won't be any time soon for the vast majority of topics.

You indicate "I think it is vital that core navigation features like this remain consistent between sites." For what logical reason? 1) The topics showing up on the navigation bar are already different between countries 2) When you switch countries, navigation now takes you to the home page so there is no broken links affect. So what is the problem of having a toggle on/off switch as Huy Eng suggests? I wouldn't even have an issue giving the user a choice of showing all topics or only topics with information as an option on the page (with the default being only those with info).

Separate from the decision above I'd agree it would be useful to have a site map feature/ taxonomic diagram on the footer menu where you could expose the custom category page functionality. How we map the SDG's is another issue but if we were to make them topics/sub-topics assumedly you'd also show the ones that exist.

gimmemochi commented 7 years ago


My view is that changing the way this operates requires a revamped means of navigating/UI concept that considers:

@acorbi @DBishton @jpeizer1 @prustar My understanding is below.

In the interim, should we hid vacant taxonomic pages? Yes, for ODM. No, for ODC. We can hid it now OR wait until we finalize and agree on the search presentation, and subsequently the category page.

@acorbi Is there anything else you would like feedback on or should we come back to this after the search and category page discussions are finalized?

prustar commented 6 years ago

@acorbi - This issue raises a number of feature requests and I would like to break them out

  1. We need to create a browse view for the TOPIC page like a traditional folder structure: example in my windows explorer: image

Example from MyLAFF: (not so pretty but functional!) image

  1. The home page should display curated topics by editors to highlight new articles and features.

  2. The taxonomic tree should ONLY DISPLAY CONTENT THAT IS AVAILABLE. This feature needs to be optional as ODC will be affected if the development of the browse doesn't allow for navigation to sub-tier pages. Unless you can overcome this issue then I recommend we proceed with this.

  3. Navigation UP and DOWN the taxonomic tree needs to be enabled. This is a simple BACK and FORWARD option at the bottom of each topic page which is linked via the tree to navigate through the taxonomy so that readers are able to read things in order rather than randomly as they currently are.

acorbi commented 6 years ago


We need to create a browse view for the TOPIC page like a traditional folder structure: example in my windows explorer:

This has been implemented since version 2.0, a long while ago. It is called breadcrumbs and look like this: screenshot from 2017-10-23 12-06-10 on

Also, the taxonomic widget on the topic page's sidebar has a folder/tree structure already which allows users to expand/collapse nodes just as windows file explorer does:

screenshot from 2017-10-23 12-08-11

Isn't this what you mean? Can you put some more detailed descriptions on a draft if not? How would you implement this differently?

  1. The home page should display curated topics by editors to highlight new articles and features.

this is also already possible. See Specific list of posts (optional) on

  1. The taxonomic tree should ONLY DISPLAY CONTENT THAT IS AVAILABLE. This feature needs to be optional as ODC will be affected if the development of the browse doesn't allow for navigation to sub-tier pages. Unless you can overcome this issue then I recommend we proceed with this.

Noted. I have opened a new separated issue and added to my list

  1. Navigation UP and DOWN the taxonomic tree needs to be enabled. This is a simple BACK and FORWARD option at the bottom of each topic page which is linked via the tree to navigate through the taxonomy so that readers are able to read things in order rather than randomly as they currently are.

Noted. I have opened a new separated issue and added to my list

prustar commented 6 years ago

@acorbi not talking about the breadcrumbs or side widget. Talking about the TOPIC page and it's function as a BROWSE and navigation for users to explore the site. See proposal here:

Just suggestion. Would benefit from a designer who could put together this idea to make it actually look good. We needs something in between the images and a folder symbol that would be attractive and enticing for people.