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harvesting from ESRI cloud services #834

Open prustar opened 7 years ago

prustar commented 7 years ago

Can the WP map layers accept the following cloud services from ESRI:

Raster -{z}/{x}/{y}.png or something like this:

If not can we make this happen I would like to harvest from WWF as they are harvesting from us currently.

acorbi commented 7 years ago

@prustar{z}/{x}/{y}.png looks like a WMS endpoint so I would say you should be able to add it as a WMS layer. The only thing I'm missing is the namespace:layer_name part on the URL.

@Huyeng any ideas?

prustar commented 7 years ago

In the second example if you go to the link you will find the details of the file name and layer name which is in the URL so this should be easy to establish I would think.

I asked about the TMS layer but no response yet.

acorbi commented 7 years ago


I have been looking into this. The second link you pasted seems to be from an Imagery Layer as indicated below:

screenshot from 2017-04-20 17-17-14

As opposed to the layers you proposed on, this type of layer is not currently supported by our frontend.

Those layers marked as tile layers on should work as TMS layers though:

screenshot from 2017-04-20 17-19-11

prustar commented 7 years ago

@acorbi so I just add the layer into WP? How do we manage the metadata?

acorbi commented 7 years ago

How do we manage the metadata?

This is to approach as part of 2.4.0 but we can have a call soon in case you have some ideas that could be implemented in the interim for supporting future work.

prustar commented 7 years ago

@acorbi would be great to implement something now so we don't keep having this issue. The standardised metadata ISO 19115 exist already in other CKAN repositories - I wonder if we can just copy this:

Example should be here:

or perhaps on the open government portal for the US or Canada.

Huyeng commented 7 years ago

@prustar you can add the layer{z}/{x}/{y}.png as the Title Layer. Please add some description into the content if you have. For the second one, i don't think you can add it as it can be exported into only the image file.

prustar commented 7 years ago

@acorbi @Huyeng -- This is a feature layer (WMS) so I should be able to add it theoretically but when I look a the URL still not able to get the data -

I can upload the layer and then manually input into our system but really don't want to have to do this for all these new layers which I've found.

This raster layer doesn't seem to have corresponding TMS layer URL either:

I also note that they are using a different metadata standard to the one I want to implement.