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Save config in backend database #87

Closed SteveALee closed 6 years ago

SteveALee commented 8 years ago

See aws/amazon-cognito-js#27

Testing problems in a spike

SteveALee commented 8 years ago

This is not working out. Moving to Azure but sync not supported so will need to write / read db

matlun commented 8 years ago

Hmm, how big a task do you estimate that this will be?
Have you considered MongoDB. I cannot give any first-hand information about it, but a US programmer new to JS that I've been chatting with is quite positive about his experiences with it in terms of quickly get it up and running. He's using it together with Meteor. However, every new thing has its learning curve of course.

SteveALee commented 8 years ago


Hmm, how big a task do you estimate that this will be?

A very good question and a reminder I've not been adding estimates to the tasks here (though they are relative "story points" not elapsed time)

I actually already had this as a task and just renamed it. We need to do it because

  1. we have to upload the images so config should be stored there as well.
  2. It acts as a backup - currently the data could easily be lost from the browser local storage.

Ideally we'd use offline sync to do it automagically but Azure doesn't have that (see #96). Bu I have been looking at examples and I estimate 3 days - but that also includes setting up MBaaS (Mobile Backend as a service) backend with user log in

Have you considered MongoDB.

Yes it's very popular NoSQL. To be honest I'm not too bothered what backend as they all pretty much offer similar functionality. What's more import is how easily we can access it from the client. PouchDB / Couch DB combination looked great if I was doing from scratch. However as were using a MBaaS approach we're restricted to the DB provided. All providers I looked at offer a NoSQL and SQL options. I'll go NoSQL to start wit has faster dev (no Schema)

He's using it together with Meteor. However, every new thing has its learning curve of course.

I looked very carefully at Meteor some time back. My concerns were that there i a lot of "Magic", even allowing for the fact you need to disable much of it when moving from the simple demos they provide. The clincher was I could find very few people who used it in real projects

SteveALee commented 8 years ago

redo using kinvey! Has clean SDK that uses RxJS! Easy sync settings too!

SteveALee commented 8 years ago

@matlun FYI - kinvey uses MongoDB - though it's pretty much hidden from the client code

SteveALee commented 8 years ago

Back to Azure and possibly Easy Tables