OpenDreamProject / OpenDream

A project for running games made in the DM programming language
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Cache icon renders between frames #1825

Closed wixoaGit closed 3 weeks ago

wixoaGit commented 3 weeks ago

The texture for an atom is now only re-rendered once its appearance or animation frame changes. This same texture is reused between frames instead of performing the entire render process again. This leads to massive improvements in client performance, in both render times and allocation rate.

Observing this same spot on Paradise brought allocations per frame down ~350KB (~20.5MB per second at 60FPS!). FPS is more difficult to get a hard number for, but this brought it much closer to a stable 60FPS on my laptop's integrated graphics.

Before: image After: image

Did a lot of playing around with things that led to some dirty code, so I'd like to clean things up some before merging. There are also some minor bugs (there are so many magic numbers & steps in the renderer) and I need to test how this plays with animate(). All looks good.