OpenDrift / opendrift

Open source framework for ocean trajectory modelling
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No bathymetry in backward run #1115

Closed MartimBebeagua closed 1 year ago

MartimBebeagua commented 1 year ago

When I run the simulation forward in time everything works as expected, but when I run it backwards, the bathymetry is set to 100 m everywhere. I have no idea what goes wrong, the only change is in the sign of the time_step variable. Any suggestions how to solve this?

I am running version 1.10.7 and I read the Mediterranean bathymetry from a CMEMS file ( - variable 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level').

Thanks, Martin

knutfrode commented 1 year ago

Hi, Is the CMEMS file with bathymetry also covering the time period of your backwards simulation?

MartimBebeagua commented 1 year ago

Hi and thanks! Sadly not. This is a 'static' file with coordinates, mask and bathymetry. There is not time dimension. I am using a copy of the original CMEMS file, just that the 'deptho' was renamed to 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level' to be recognized by the reader.

MartimBebeagua commented 1 year ago

I also get this error message, which I guess, is connected to interpolation of bathymetry in time?

08:55:44 ERROR   opendrift.models.basemodel:1277: zero-size array to reduction operation minimum which has no identity
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/martin/opendrift/opendrift/models/", line 1252, in get_environment
  File "/home/martin/opendrift/opendrift/readers/basereader/", line 842, in get_variables_interpolated
    env, env_profiles = self.get_variables_interpolated_xy(
  File "/home/martin/opendrift/opendrift/readers/basereader/", line 708, in get_variables_interpolated_xy
    env, env_profiles = self._get_variables_interpolated_(
  File "/home/martin/opendrift/opendrift/readers/basereader/", line 282, in _get_variables_interpolated_
    if (block_before is not None and block_before.covers_positions(
  File "/home/martin/opendrift/opendrift/readers/interpolation/", line 147, in covers_positions
    (y >= self.y.min()) & (y <= self.y.max()))[0]
  File "/home/martin/anaconda3/envs/opendrift/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/core/", line 45, in _amin
    return umr_minimum(a, axis, None, out, keepdims, initial, where)
ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation minimum which has no identity

This is the 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level' netcdf variable:

float sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level(latitude, longitude) ;
        sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ;
        sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level:long_name = "Bathymetry" ;
        sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level:units = "m" ;
        sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level:standard_name = "sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level"  ;
knutfrode commented 1 year ago

Can you make available this specific file, and some minimum lines of code to reproduce the problem? Then I can have a look at my machine.

MartimBebeagua commented 1 year ago

I uploaded the run scripts to my Dropbox. One is using the OceanDrift model (, while the other is using a customized module which introduces diel vertical migrations for jellyfish simulations:

Thanks a lot!

MartimBebeagua commented 1 year ago


I managed to solve the problem. Knut's comment led me to create a bathymetry file with a time dimension using nco. I added 2 time records, one being in 1900 and the other in 2100, so OpenDrift can perform time interpolation.

Here is the code:

# concatenate twice the statics
ncecat -u time
# add time values (in days)
ncap2 -O -s 'time[time]={0.0,73049}'
# add atribute
ncatted -a units,time,o,c,"days since 1900-01-01"


Maybe someone will find it useful. Big thanks to Knut for the hint. Cheers! Martin

knutfrode commented 1 year ago


I found and fixed a bug related to negative timesteps and readers with no time dimension (as in your case):

So after updating OpenDrift, your workaround should no longer be necessary.

MartimBebeagua commented 1 year ago

It works with the original file now. Thanks a lot!