OpenDriver2 / REDRIVER2

Driver 2 Playstation game reverse engineering effort
MIT License
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Compiled REDRIVER2 file does not run under Linux #197

Closed igorhoop closed 4 months ago

igorhoop commented 5 months ago

I use Linux Mint. I downloaded the archive REDRIVER2_Linux_Release.tar.gz.

Next, I executed a bash script to convert resources, everything was OK here. But when REDRIVER 2 starts, it writes me an error:

bash: ./REDRIVER2: No such file or directory

The file definitely exists, but Linux Mint does not want to execute it. The same problem with Ubuntu.

SoapyMan commented 5 months ago

It requires 32 bit libraries installed in the system. Check it with ldd.

igorhoop commented 5 months ago

I tried it:

hoop@hoop-PC:~/REDRIVER2$ ldd REDRIVER2 
    not a dynamic executable
hoop@hoop-PC:~/REDRIVER2$ file REDRIVER2 
REDRIVER2: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=f8109635d978bfb4a98baa4d422e1bf417f6118d, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped
JohnEdwa commented 5 months ago

Encountered this on my Steam Deck with with the flatpak installation as well, that one fails in at line 41 with the same error.

igorhoop commented 5 months ago

It seems that the problem with 32-bit libraries was solved by this installation:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

But it still fails to launch. The script was executed and copied all the necessary files to the DRIVER2 directory. The catalog began to weigh 1.5 GB. However, an error occurs during startup REDRIVER:

Cannot initialize REDRIVER2
Game files not found by folder 'DRIVER2\'

I began to think that the binary is looking for a path in the DRIVER\ directory - it tries to use reverse slash, as in Windows, and therefore does not find my directory DRIVER2

enipklacus commented 4 months ago

I'm experiencing the same issue (Game files not found by folder 'DRIVER2\'). Building from source or using the flatpak package have no difference. BTW: running Arch.

igorhoop commented 4 months ago

The problem has been resolved. I used a launcher for Windows (Launcher.exe) to export files from the PS1 image.

Then I moved this directory with files to Linux, and everything works.

Conclusion: the script is not working correctly