OpenDroneMap / ODM

A command line toolkit to generate maps, point clouds, 3D models and DEMs from drone, balloon or kite images. 📷
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Pdal is broken on big VLRs #1691

Closed bugracoskun closed 9 months ago

bugracoskun commented 10 months ago

Hello everyone, ODM is broken on large GCP files. I used 17 gcp point and then error. But wehn i tried the without gcp it is working.


I searched the error of the pdal. And i found it, it just supports for 65535 bytes for version between 1 and 1.3. It must be used v1.4 for large gcp files.


Pdal use version 1.2 as a default.


It can be changed in ODM to version 1.4 after some tests.

pierotofy commented 10 months ago

Interesting, I think the safest fix would be to skip inclusion of the VLR record if the ground control point file is too large and emit a warning.

bugracoskun commented 10 months ago

It makes sense. Will it change the accuracy of the data if we don’t use VLRs?

pierotofy commented 10 months ago


bugracoskun commented 10 months ago

Hello again. I tried without --writers.las.vlrs parameter (I commented this parameter), and it worked !

We can delete this parameter for the process or can control the file size of the GCP file. I get this error with 24KB gcp_list.txt file. I dont know the limit of the file for control. We can try to calculate maybe.

Also I can create a PR depending on decision.

pierotofy commented 10 months ago

Best would be to skip inclusion of the VLR record if the ground control point file is too large (more than 65535 bytes according to PDAL docs?).

bugracoskun commented 10 months ago

I think this is not size of the our file. PDAL creates VLRs values with our file which new data. As I stated 24KB gcp_list.txt file returns with error. As far as I think it is necessary to determine the limit size for our file.

DiegoContelli commented 10 months ago

Hello, I'm having the same problem, when I run the process without GCP, with the GCP file the same message appears, there are 21 GPS points, the drone used is a Phantom 3 Pro, approximately 2500 images. Could you help me to solve this, I'm using WebODM Natively, how do I skip the step? Excuse my English, I'm from Brazil. thanks in advance for the help!

DiegoContelli commented 10 months ago

Hello again, I'm still having this unresolved problem, I tried to remove the --writers.las.vlrs parameter, and another different failure appeared, in another test with only 5 points in the GCP file I was successful in the processing, I created another file with other points and I was successful again now with 6 points, when I create a larger file the error remains.

[INFO] running pdal translate -i "E:\WebODM\resources\app\apps\NodeODM\data\33f214b3-9265-4206-9048-3d7c4f3ee797\odm_filterpoints\point_cloud.ply" -o "E:\WebODM\resources\ app\apps\NodeODM\data\33f214b3-9265-4206-9048-3d7c4f3ee797\odm_georeferencing\odm_georeferenced_model.laz" ferry transformation --filters.ferry.dimensions="views => UserData" --filters.transformation.matrix="1 0 0 569132.0 0 1 0 7469006.0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1" --writers.las.offset_x=569132.0 --writers.las.offset_y=7469006.0 --writers.las.scale_x=0.001 --writers.las.scale_y =0.001 --writers.las.scale_z=0.001 --writers.las.offset_z=0 --writers.las.a_srs="+proj=utm +zone=22 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs + type=crs" --writers.las.vlrs="{\"filename\": \"E:/WebODM/resources/app/apps/NodeODM/data/33f214b3-9265-4206-9048-3d7c4f3ee797/odm_georeferencing/ground_control_points .geojson\", \"user_id\": \"ODM\", \"record_id\": 1, \"description\": \"Ground Control Points (GeoJSON)\"}" PDAL: writers.las: Can't write VLR with user ID/record ID = ODM/1. The data size exceeds the maximum supported

image image image

bugracoskun commented 10 months ago

Hello, what is the size of your gcp_list.txt file? Can you check it?

DiegoContelli commented 10 months ago

Hi my friend, the size of my gcp_list.txt file is 32KB, I'm in another attempt to process without the --writers.las.vlrs parameter, I performed a new test without the parameter, it worked, but I tested this one with less pictures , I left the total running now with all the photos, return after finishing.

bugracoskun commented 10 months ago

32KB is too large. Can u test it with 10-15 kb around. You need to delete half of them.