OpenDroneMap / WebODM

User-friendly, commercial-grade software for processing aerial imagery. 🛩
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Bad quality images #184

Closed djamajo closed 7 years ago

djamajo commented 7 years ago

After uploaded images for processing, the output result is not clear. I got a Blurry picture.

Here is the log files reported.

Could not find ccd_width in file. Use --force-ccd or edit the sensor_data.json file to manually input ccd width [DEBUG] Loaded DJI_0686.JPG | camera: dji fc330 | dimensions: 4000 x 3000 | focal: 3.61 | ccd: None [WARNING] Could not find ccd_width in file. Use --force-ccd or edit the sensor_data.json file to manually input ccd width [DEBUG] Loaded DJI_0423.JPG | camera: dji fc330 | dimensions: 4000 x 3000 | focal: 3.61 | ccd: None [WARNING] Could not find ccd_width in file. Use --force-ccd or edit the sensor_data.json file to manually input ccd width [DEBUG] Loaded DJI_0430.JPG | camera: dji fc330 | dimensions: 4000 x 3000 | focal: 3.61 | ccd: None [WARNING] Could not find ccd_width in file. Use --force-ccd or edit the sensor_data.json file to manually input ccd width [DEBUG] Loaded DJI_0550.JPG | camera: dji fc330 | dimensions: 4000 x 3000 | focal: 3.61 | ccd: None

this error happens for each image loaded. Any help

pierotofy commented 7 years ago

@djamajo does increasing the --orthophoto-resolution parameter to something like 60 help?

djamajo commented 7 years ago

@pierotofy we also notice that the map made from the pictures uploaded that 's not reflect the real image of the area overflew. Images are not in good order and some of the images are not present on the final map.

pierotofy commented 7 years ago

Hi @djamajo, I'm not sure what you mean by "good order", could you expand further on that?

As far as the missing images, it's probably because the images do not exhibit enough "features" (noticeable objects), which is common in areas with lots of vegetation, so the reconstruction simply discards them. Try to increase the --min-num-features parameter to something like 8000 or 12000 and increase the --resize-to parameter as well.

djamajo commented 7 years ago

Hi @pierotofy, what i mean by missing images is that, after the processing of the images by web odm, some of the images were not part of the final result.

This is the expected result


and this is the result we had.


looking at the two images what can be the real problem that made us have another result

pierotofy commented 7 years ago

As I replied earlier, have you tried increasing the parameters I recommended?

djamajo commented 7 years ago

@pierotofy, yes i got the expected result but the texture of the trees are not good. A part from --min-num-features, --orthophoto-resolution and --resize- don't you have another parameters to give a good texture of the trees

pierotofy commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by "good texture", perhaps you could include a few screenshots that detail the visual problem with the result?

djamajo commented 7 years ago


After processing with the parameters suggested below , i got this picture A (see picture below). but the quality is still not good compare to picture B processed with another software. What another features can i use to improve the quality of the images.

Image A


Image B


PS: We did the test in High vegetation.

dakotabenjamin commented 7 years ago

With high vegetation you really need to fly a cross path to get the complete structure of the vegetation. However, you point out some issues with our meshing algorithm. It is a fairly simple Poisson Surface Reconstruction that does not work great for highly vegetated areas. You get those blobs when flattening the model for an orthophoto.

pierotofy commented 7 years ago

Like @dakotabenjamin said, flying a cross path will yield better results, but I would also use the --use-25dmesh option which uses the 2.5D mesh for generating the orthophoto. I would try a large --mesh-remove-outliers value (20) and decrease the --mesh-size to something like 10000. This should cause the mesh to "flatten". You can get a better understanding of the result if you then open the resulting mesh in the odm_meshing folder in MeshLab, you'll see the "blobs" @dakotabenjamin is talking about.

pierotofy commented 7 years ago

Another thing to try is to use --use-pmvs, which uses pmvs instead of opensfm for generating the point cloud. Since the resulting cloud will be much more sparse, it should lead to a better looking orthophoto for this particular dataset.