OpenDroneMap / posm-gcpi

Ground Control Point interface (GCPi) for OpenDroneMap
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Whitespace in GCP files leads to dropping some points #41

Closed MattiasTancred closed 6 years ago

MattiasTancred commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am trying to create a gcp_list_noimg file (does the name have to be _noimg or can it just be gcp_list?) and I am having some issues.

1.The interface will not load the file/show the points.

EPSG:32633 gcp01 592836 6582077 62.396884 gcp02 592844 6582090 62.277474 gcp03 592839 6582058 65.513986 gcp04 592860 6582022 70.642407 gcp05 592880 6582051 68.319541 gcp06 592866 6582075 65.551683

  1. The interface will accept/load the file but not project/show the points.

WGS84 UTM33N gcp01 592836 6582077 62.396884 gcp02 592844 6582090 62.277474 gcp03 592839 6582058 65.513986 gcp04 592860 6582022 70.642407 gcp05 592880 6582051 68.319541 gcp06 592866 6582075 65.551683

3.The interface will load and show the points, but only display gcp01 and gcp03. ??

+proj=utm +zone=33 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs gcp01 592836 6582077 62.396884 gcp02 592844 6582090 62.277474 gcp03 592839 6582058 65.513986 gcp04 592860 6582022 70.642407 gcp05 592880 6582051 68.319541 gcp06 592866 6582075 65.551683

4.The interface will load and show all the points correctly, but z = 0?

+proj=utm +zone=33 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs gcp01 592836 6582077 0 gcp02 592844 6582090 0 gcp03 592839 6582058 0 gcp04 592860 6582022 0 gcp05 592880 6582051 0 gcp06 592866 6582075 0

Can you not assign z to the gcp_list (gcp_list_noimg) ? Or am I missing/not understanding something?


smathermather commented 6 years ago

Hi @MattiasTancred -- thanks for posting. For the 3rd one, It's working in Brave (fork of Chrome). What is your browser, operating system, and version of browser?

(link back to community post:

MattiasTancred commented 6 years ago


Firefox 59.0.3 Windows 10 Pro

smathermather commented 6 years ago

Interesting. I'm not seeing this issue in 59.0.2. I'll update and check 59.0.3.

Just to be clear -- only two GCPs are loading when you have non-zero Z values? Or are they somehow missing once you associated them with a position on an image.

smathermather commented 6 years ago

I'm seeing all the points with 59.0.3 as well. Can you show some step-by-step screen shots? Maybe I'm doing something differently.

MattiasTancred commented 6 years ago

Hi again,

I had some problems with my startup command so I needed to erase and pull a new clone from GIT. This solved the problem I had before.....

But I have ran in to another problem/s.

WGS84 UTM 33N gcp01 592588 6582118 66.854498 gcp02 592603 6582165 66.213559 gcp03 592584 6582148 66.338905 gcp04 592590 6582195 65.781954

+proj=utm +zone=33 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
gcp01 592588 6582118 66.854498 gcp02 592603 6582165 66.213559 gcp03 592584 6582148 66.338905 gcp04 592590 6582195 65.781954

I can not project the the point gcp04, I have tried in Firefox and Chrome.

Can you try and see if you have the same problem.

ebrelsford commented 6 years ago

@MattiasTancred Both of these work fine for me, can you please ensure that you're using the latest build and have run npm install to grab the latest requirements?

Do you mean you are only seeing gcp01, gcp02, and gcp03? When I load either file I see all four points:


MattiasTancred commented 6 years ago

@ebrelsford that is correct. GCP04 will not show up in my map. Only gcp01, gcp02 and gcp03.

I ran ./ update. I think something is corrupted. What would be my next move?

$ ./ update Updating WebODM... git pull origin master From

mt022@MATTIAS1712 MINGW64 ~/webodm/webodm (master) $ ./ start Checking for docker... OK Checking for git... OK Checking for python... OK Checking for pip... OK Checking for docker-compose... OK Starting WebODM...

Using the following environment:

Host: localhost Port: 8000 Media directory: appmedia SSL: NO SSL key: SSL certificate: SSL insecure port redirect: 80 Celery Broker: redis://broker

Make sure to issue a ./ down if you decide to change the environment.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.nodeodm.yml start || docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.nodeodm.yml up Starting db ... done Starting node-odm-1 ... done Starting broker ... done Starting worker ... done Starting webapp ... done ERROR: No containers to start Creating network "webodmdefault" with the default driver Creating db ... done Creating broker ... done Creating node-odm-1 ... done Creating worker ... done Creating webapp ... done Attaching to db, broker, node-odm-1, worker, webapp db | LOG: database system was shut down at 2018-05-07 16:17:28 UTC db | LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled broker | 1:C 07 May 16:17:47.632 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo broker | 1:C 07 May 16:17:47.632 # Redis version=4.0.9, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started broker | 1:C 07 May 16:17:47.632 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf node-odm-1 | info: No tasks dump found broker | 1:M 07 May 16:17:47.633 * Running mode=standalone, port=6379. broker | 1:M 07 May 16:17:47.633 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128. worker | Postgres is up - executing command node-odm-1 | info: Checking for orphaned directories to be removed... worker | waiting 15 seconds for broker:6379 worker | broker:6379 is available after 0 seconds worker | Checking for celery... OK webapp | Postgres is up - executing command webapp | waiting 15 seconds for broker:6379 webapp | broker:6379 is available after 0 seconds webapp | webapp | webapp | | | / / / / / \/ \/ |/ / webapp | | | /| / / _ \/ _ \/ / / / / / / /|/ / webapp | | |/ |/ / / // / // / /_/ / / / / webapp | |/|/_/./__/___// // webapp | webapp | webapp | Checking python version... 3.x, good! webapp | Checking GDAL version... GDAL 2.2.4, released 2018/03/19, excellent! webapp | Running migrations worker | Starting worker using broker at redis://broker worker | INFO Initializing GRASS engine using /usr/bin/grass74 webapp | Generated secret key webapp | INFO Initializing GRASS engine using /usr/bin/grass74 webapp | INFO Booting WebODM 0.5.2 webapp | INFO Registered [plugins.osm-quickedit.plugin] webapp | INFO Registered [plugins.measure.plugin] webapp | INFO Running npm install for posm-gcpi webapp | npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file. webapp | npm WARN posm-gcpi@1.0.0 No description webapp | npm WARN posm-gcpi@1.0.0 No repository field. webapp | webapp | added 1 package in 5.857s webapp | INFO Registered [plugins.posm-gcpi.plugin] webapp | Operations to perform: webapp | Apply all migrations: admin, app, auth, contenttypes, guardian, nodeodm, sessions webapp | Running migrations: webapp | No migrations to apply. webapp | INFO Initializing GRASS engine using /usr/bin/grass74 webapp | Checking for celery... OK webapp | Scheduler has shutdown. webapp | Generating nginx configurations from templates... webapp | - nginx/nginx-ssl.conf webapp | - nginx/nginx.conf webapp | celery beat v4.1.0 (latentcall) is starting. webapp | [2018-05-07 16:18:02 +0000] [124] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.7.1 webapp | [2018-05-07 16:18:02 +0000] [124] [INFO] Listening at: unix:/tmp/gunicorn.sock (124) webapp | [2018-05-07 16:18:02 +0000] [124] [INFO] Using worker: sync webapp | [2018-05-07 16:18:02 +0000] [133] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 133 webapp | INFO Initializing GRASS engine using /usr/bin/grass74 webapp | - ... - _ webapp | LocalTime -> 2018-05-07 16:18:02 webapp | Configuration -> webapp | . broker -> redis://broker:6379// webapp | . loader -> webapp | . scheduler -> celery.beat.PersistentScheduler webapp | . db -> celerybeat-schedule webapp | . logfile -> [stderr]@%WARNING webapp | . maxinterval -> 5.00 minutes (300s) webapp | INFO Initializing GRASS engine using /usr/bin/grass74 webapp | webapp | webapp | Congratulations! └@(・◡・)@┐ webapp | ========================== webapp | webapp | If there are no errors, WebODM should be up and running! webapp | webapp | Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 webapp | webapp | NOTE: Windows users using docker should replace localhost with the IP of their docker machine's IP. To find what that is, run: docker-machine ip webapp | INFO Booting WebODM 0.5.2 webapp | INFO Registered [plugins.osm-quickedit.plugin] webapp | INFO Registered [plugins.measure.plugin] webapp | INFO Registered [plugins.posm-gcpi.plugin] webapp | WARNING Session data corrupted webapp | WARNING Session data corrupted webapp | WARNING Session data corrupted webapp | WARNING Session data corrupted webapp | WARNING Session data corrupted webapp | WARNING Session data corrupted

ebrelsford commented 6 years ago

Oh okay, that's useful to know. I'm using posm-gcpi directly from it this repo and the files you have posted work fine.

@pierotofy / @smathermather are either of you able to speak to how recent the version of posm-gcpi is in WebODM? It might help to include how recent it is in WebODM somehow so this doesn't get too confusing?

pierotofy commented 6 years ago

If people are using the latest version of WebODM, it was updated 3 days ago:

pierotofy commented 6 years ago

@MattiasTancred you can ignore the session data corrupted message. It's related to an expired Django security token, which happens when you update WebODM.

ebrelsford commented 6 years ago

Okay. I'm not sure how is best to settle this, then, since it's working fine from here?

MattiasTancred commented 6 years ago

:) I will try some more and see what will happen.

I have just uploaded 4 more gcp_list and all work just fine. Its just the one posted above that I am having trouble with......the gcp01. Strange...

gcp_1_1 gcp_1_2

ebrelsford commented 6 years ago

Okay thanks for checking. I could try installing WebODM to see what's going on.

MattiasTancred commented 6 years ago


And still the interface is not "accepting" my z-values from the gcp_list. As you can see - the z = 0 in the export file.

ebrelsford commented 6 years ago

Let's keep the z-values issue separate (#45).

@MattiasTancred: I'm looking at GCPi in WebODM with the file you're using above, but all four points are appearing as expected:


If you're definitely using the latest WebODM/GCPi, is there any chance you can post the exact file (not just the text, but the file as you're creating it)?

MattiasTancred commented 6 years ago


ebrelsford commented 6 years ago

@MattiasTancred Thanks a lot for that, it helped me find a few issues--one being that it was a Windows-encoded file, the other being that some spaces at the ends of lines was causing this unexpected behavior.

I pushed a fix to master and you should see the improvement when it's pulled into WebODM.