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wifi support for Ralink RT3290 #1095

Closed pwnage101 closed 11 years ago

pwnage101 commented 12 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to get wifi to work on my ZOTAC ZBOX nano AD10

apparently, it uses a Ralink RT3290

and here is the corresponding driver

and here is the driver from the ZOTAC website

Can it be incorporated in OpenELEC? I don't know which (of the two above) should be used. Maybe I'll test them both first. Maybe they're the exact same.


pwnage101 commented 12 years ago

Looks like they are both the same exact driver. I tried installing with:

$ vim os/linux/ (change HAS_NATIVE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT=n  to  =y)
# make
# make install
# cd os/linux
# modprobe rt3290sta

And it seems to work. Is there anything I need to do to help?

LePremier commented 11 years ago


I am running OpenELEC 2.0.0 on my HTPC (Zbox ID82) ... Amazing peace of software, but same problem with WiFi-Module Ralink RT3290 :(

I found a manual that describes the process of installing the needed driver under Ubuntu:

Unfortunatelly I am not very experienced on the Linux platform, yet. I worked out to connect to the HTPC via Putty and found a way to copy the unzipped driver directory to "lost+found"-folder on the HTPC. But now I am unable to run any commands like "vim" to edit the or "make", "make install" and "modprobe" needed for installation -> system answer: "-sh: xyz: command not found". Whereby"xyz" is meant as a placeholder for the specific commands.

Since I really love the OpenELEC project and definitely want my HTPC running with it, I would be very gratefull, if someone could give me a hint, how to solve solve this issue.

Many thanks in advance,


centurio3 commented 11 years ago

I got this releas on my Zotac AD12. Fritsch recommende it and it works fine. It's not final but W-lan with WPA2 PSK works. I can even stream HD by wlan. RT3290

Fusion.x86_64-devel-20121107184532-r12413 XBMC commit: bdff099

sraue commented 11 years ago

@pwnage101 can you please report back if it works for you too?

Jheronimo commented 11 years ago

Me too just can't get wifi on my Zotac AD12 in Openelec, nor in the build centurio3 describes.

Is there a way to manually add the driver? If I try the commands as pwnage101 describes above Openelec won't recognize them (as suspected).

Thanks in advance!

centurio3 commented 11 years ago

@Jheronimo Which Wi fi card do you have? Also the RT3290? Please confirm that with the build I used you do not have 2 blue LED lights on after the boot.

With the official release I got only 1 LED activated. I was the HDD one.

With the other build i posted above both were on. The W-Lan setting is well hidden.

Jheronimo commented 11 years ago

@Centurio3 Not sure which Wifi card the AD-12 has aboard, but after reading you earlier post I thought it would be the RT3290 too...

But I'm very pleased to say I got the Wifi working today with the latest dev build available (OpenELEC-Fusion.x86_64-devel-20121124032211-r12577).

The only problem I'm having right now is the speed of the wireless connection. It's much slower than my laptop runs on Wlan. Do you experience this too?

centurio3 commented 11 years ago

No, I haven't experience with the wireless speed. But I red about... Don't ask me where. If you need prompt and good help so I advise you to the openelec/support/IRC Chat. I got the build and a lot of help there. These guys are really good. It looks like you have a later build. If you connect yourself through SSL to your AD12 you can write the command lspci and see which Networkcard you got. I suppose it should be the same one.

You didn't answer to my question above. When you had installed "my" build, were both blue LED'son the frontpanel of your AD12 switched on?

Jheronimo commented 11 years ago

Thx for your input centurio3. I actually can't remember if the blue light with 'your' build installed was turned on or off, but I think it was on. I just couldn't find the setting for Wlan...

But with the new beta's arrived I hope all my problems with the wi-fi will soon be vanished and if not, I will find some help on the IRC chat as you suggested.

centurio3 commented 11 years ago

Cool, thx for answering me. Before installing my system completely I'm waiting for the acesspoint AP to be integrated. If done I'm 100% satisfied! :-)

ishmaelen commented 11 years ago

I am having issues getting WLAN up in OpenELEC using nightly builds or 2.95.4 with Zotac Zbox AD12.

AzureWave AW-NB087H IEEE 802.11 b/g/n + 802.15 BT Combo card Model No: RT3290 / RT3290-C3 Driver ver

root ~ # dmesg |paste ; paste /var/log/messages ; lsmod |paste

root ~ # lsusb -v |paste ; lspci -v |paste

root ~ # ls -l /sys/class/net/ | paste

chewitt commented 11 years ago

why is the system trying to start eth1 as the primary interface (and failing because it does not exist) when the ethernet port is eth0 and the wireless interface is wlan0? - check your network configuration

ishmaelen commented 11 years ago

I am still running 2.95.4 now with "Network1" (tab) set to wlan0 and "Network2" (tab) as eth0. Disconnected network cable, rebooted and waited 2min before reconnecting the cable. Output as shown below.

/var/log/messages /var/log/messages.0

root /var/log # cat wifi_dc85de2b0f1d_437962657274726f706963616c_managed_psk.log | paste

ishmaelen commented 11 years ago

Issue can be closed. Driver works

fritsch commented 11 years ago

@ishmaelen: Can you please state what the problem was?