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packages/devel/ccache/ needs updating #5006

Closed Andy-ABTec closed 7 years ago

Andy-ABTec commented 7 years ago

Apologies - I'm new to GitHub and am still finding my way around...

It would appear that has changed to using https rather than http so lines 24 and 25 of need tweaking...

Again, apologies if I've got this wrong, but manually editing the file and running "make image" works for me...

Andy B.

sghazagh commented 7 years ago

Thanks mate, you saved my day!

For others, the "zlib" package also should be 1.2.11 instead of 1.2.10. Read my post for detail -->

sghazagh commented 7 years ago

Fail on "libcec" compile!

Do you have the issue with 'libcec' preventing completion of image creation?

Andy-ABTec commented 7 years ago

Wont know for a while - my linux vm is REALLY SLOW, I'll get back to you...

sghazagh commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I don't know why 7.0.1 has this much issues! Last time I did the compile on OE7.0 and it has compiled with no issue!!!

Andy-ABTec commented 7 years ago

Still don't know having problems with zlib viz:

In file included from /root/
/root/ error: #error ZLIB_VERNUM != PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM "-I (include path) error: see the notes in pngpriv.h"
CMake Error at scripts/genout.cmake:78 (message):
  Failed to generate
sghazagh commented 7 years ago

Have you changed the zlib version? Check my post here: I could fix the compile issue by using version 1.2.11 instead of 1.2.10.

Andy-ABTec commented 7 years ago

Been there, done that, still got the problem...

Currently tracking down ZLIB_VERNUM and PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM to try and work out what's going on.

Andy-ABTec commented 7 years ago

Now I'm really confused...

root@test-01:~/ grep -r "define ZLIB_VERNUM" *
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/toolchain/armv7a-openelec-linux-gnueabi/sysroot/usr/include/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x12b0
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/toolchain/include/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x12b0
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/ccache-3.3.3/zlib/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x1280
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/Python-2.7.13/Modules/zlib/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x1280
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/zlib-1.2.11/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x12b0
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/zlib-1.2.11/.install_dev/usr/include/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x12b0
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/zlib-1.2.11/.i586-linux-gnu/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x12b0
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/zlib-1.2.11/.armv7a-openelec-linux-gnueabi/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x12b0
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/gcc-6.3.0/zlib/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x1280
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/binutils-2.27/zlib/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x1280
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/cmake-3.7.2/.i586-linux-gnu/Utilities/cmzlib/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x1230
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/cmake-3.7.2/Utilities/cmzlib/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x1230
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/kodi-1dd8613/lib/libUPnP/Neptune/ThirdParty/zlib-1.2.3/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x1230
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/kodi-1dd8613/lib/libUPnP/Neptune/ThirdParty/zlib-1.2.8/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x1280
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/u-boot-10acd12/include/u-boot/zlib.h:#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x1230

root@test-01:~/ grep -r "define PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM" *
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/toolchain/include/pnglibconf.h:#define PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM 0x1280
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/toolchain/include/libpng16/pnglibconf.h:#define PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM 0x1280
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/libpng-1.6.28/scripts/pnglibconf.h.prebuilt:#define PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM 0 /* unknown */
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/libpng-1.6.28/.i586-linux-gnu/pnglibconf.out:#define PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM 0x12b0
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/libpng-1.6.28/.i586-linux-gnu/pnglibconf.h:#define PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM 0x12b0
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/libpng-1.6.28/.i586-linux-gnu/pnglibconf.c: PNG_DFN "#define PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM @" PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM "@"
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/libpng-1.6.28/.i586-linux-gnu/pnglibconf.c: PNG_DFN "#define PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM @" PNG_set_ZLIB_VERNUM "@"
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/libpng-1.6.28/.i586-linux-gnu/pnglibconf.c:#  define PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM 1
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/libpng-1.6.28/.i586-linux-gnu/pnglibconf.c: PNG_DFN "#define PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM @" ZLIB_VERNUM "@"
build.OpenELEC-imx6.arm-8.0-devel/libpng-1.6.28/.i586-linux-gnu/pnglibconf.c:#  define PNG_ZLIB_VERNUM 1
lrusak commented 7 years ago

don't build as root is a good place to start

sghazagh commented 7 years ago

Gave up on OpenELEC. Switched to LiberELEC and the compile ran smoothly. Guys at LiberELEC are well organized and are much tidier that OpenELEC fellows.

Have compiled LibreELEC 7.0.3 and all is good now!

sraue commented 7 years ago

you always could send a PR for the zlib bump and try to be a bit more patient.

Ray-future commented 7 years ago

Have a look here git cherry-pick is your friend. We don't need to reinvent the wheel all over again.

sghazagh commented 7 years ago

@sraue Stephan, I didn't mean to dis value your all great works. But you guys should take more attention when you release an update. Thousand of people relying on your OS so we have to trust that the releases are all OK to upgrade our devices.

This is not a first time that a release do not compile properly. Please take care of it...

sghazagh commented 7 years ago

Ok all, Just to confirm that I could compile OpenELEC 7.0.1 for RPi2 successfully by making these changes:

After that, the compile done successfully and I could get my image (.img) and update (.tar) files.

sraue commented 7 years ago

fixed in and

thanks much @all

@sghazagh regarding "This is not a first time that a release do not compile properly." this happens because the upstream projects in this case changed the download urls AFTER we released the last release and/or provided a updated package with removed the version before (which happens rarly). This we cant avoid, and its not much a problem because self builders should handle this (and report/provide the needed changes). for normal users this dont matter