OpenEPaperLink / Home_Assistant_Integration

Home assistant Integration for the OpenEPaperLink project
Apache License 2.0
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Enhancement to multiline #101

Open cokeman0 opened 6 months ago

cokeman0 commented 6 months ago

I have some suggestions for multiline

1) possibility to have Icon as a "code" in the value field 2) possibility to have color as a "code" in the value field

e.g. a to-do list

[ ] task 1 - due next week - (a MDI icon checkbox, some text, in black) [ ] task 2 - overdue - (a MDI icon checkbox, some text, in red)

or a calendar

mdi:birthdaycake - uncle tom 60 years 02.02.24 -(where text is in black, but on the day changes to red)

Today I use multiline with the following:

thinking maybe you could do something like this:

font, size etc, would also be nice options.