OpenEPaperLink / Home_Assistant_Integration

Home assistant Integration for the OpenEPaperLink project
Apache License 2.0
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allow icon aliases #80

Closed DerFlob closed 6 months ago

DerFlob commented 6 months ago

Also search in the icon aliases for the supplied icon name.

I'm using the state of a weather entity to determine an icon. However, the weather entity state often doesn't 100% correlate to the icon name, but to one of its aliases. For example the state will be partlycloudy, while the icon's name is (weather-)partly-cloudy, one of the aliases is (weather-)partlycloudy though.

So with allowing the icon's aliases I won't have to manually convert names, but I can just use weather-{{ states('weather.some_entity') }} (hopefully, I haven't checked all weather states & corresponding icons).