OpenEVSE / openevse_esp32_firmware

OpenEVSE V4 WiFi gateway using ESP32
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Support MFA for Tesla Login #217

Open jeremypoulter opened 3 years ago

jeremypoulter commented 3 years ago

Currently MFA is not supported, needs adding, but need a test account with MFA enabled, in the short term #215 could be used to enter tokens directly

glynhudson commented 1 year ago

Since the Tesla integration use an unofficial Tesla API I think it will always have issues and be a pain to manage. For this reason Home Assistant has removed integrated Tesla support, I think we should do the same rather than spend dev time constantly fixing it.

There are open-source projects dedicated to Tesla integration which work very well e.g TeslaMate which makes the SoC available via MQTT ready for integration with OpenEVSE e.g


TeslaMate has also perfected using the streaming API to avoid waking up the vehicle

TLDR: I vote for removing Tesla API integration and just supporting MQTT / HTTP SoC integration. What do you think @chris1howell