OpenEVSE / openevse_esp32_firmware

OpenEVSE V4 WiFi gateway using ESP32
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Timers over rides Eco mode #812

Open 400bird opened 3 months ago

400bird commented 3 months ago

With anything set in a timer, Eco mode doesn't work.

I'd like to have both working together.

An active timer was the root cause of this issue:

rnavarro commented 3 months ago

+1 to this, i'm experiencing the same issue

400bird commented 3 months ago

I also opened a ticket on the OpenEVSE support forum. I think the problem is now better understood and a long term solution was proposed.

Until that is implemented (if ever), deleting all the timers allowed eco mode to function normally. It's not ideal because now I have to rely on timers in the car, which are annoying to disable when I really need to charge now and skip the timers.

rnavarro commented 3 months ago

Ah good work around, I always forget that the cars can do the scheduling. I rely so heavily on the flexibility of the EVSE to do the scheduling.

I'll use that for now, but I'm really curious to see what they say.

(I can't see the ticket, but I trust it's there) :)

chris1howell commented 3 months ago

Adding additional options to timer would help here. Instead of Enable/Disable, Enable/Disable/ECO would allow more use cases. Enable/Disable/Eco/Current 40A, 39A, 38A...etc. would make timers even better.