OpenEVSE / openevse_esp32_firmware

OpenEVSE V4 WiFi gateway using ESP32
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TFT display doesn't show correct max or actual charging current #886

Open lutorm opened 1 month ago

lutorm commented 1 month ago

The old text display would show the actual current while charging. The new TFT display does not, but it would be nice if it did. The max charging current that it does show also does not update based on shaper settings, my station is set to 16A and even if the shaper cuts the available charge current to something less, the display still shows 16A. This seems less than ideal.

Edit: in fact, it seems there's something buggy about the display updating in general because if I change the max current in the web settings, the display does not always update. I have to restart the wifi for the display to show the new current max.

ausil commented 1 month ago

Somewhat related, I have had the Amperage vanish entirely on both of my units. I agree that it should show the current charge rate while charging. and the maximum possible when not plugged in

ClassicGOD commented 1 month ago

I'm having the same issue but I just assumed it's early days for the TFT and it's going to get better. I would love to see real time not only set current but real charging current, power ETC.

clowrey commented 1 month ago

Hey @lutorm cool to see you on here! I just got my own OpenEVSE online (I've installed one 2 years ago at a friends) and thought the same thing - it seems this open source firmware for the screen etc is really just a beta type display of a few settings. Not sure where the active development discussions are taking place other than the issues here.

The screen has a high enough resolution to display many different data points etc.

The comments at the bottom of the post here explain where things are going, this one is from 9 days ago:

@Ken We agree, the first firmware 5.1.0 was essentially a proof of concept, attempting to approximate the old display.

The interface is by no means final, we took static images of the web interface. Future versions will use the LVGL.

We plan to add additional screens that will automatically change, showing the the session log, usage and history. In addition we are working on an enclosure with a cutout, seals and a touch display. The watertight seals are really tricky. The hardware is capable of display sleep, it is on the list.