We've connected the station to WiFi and using API commands over HTTP. This generally works and returns data but there are some problems as described below:
1- get lock status command always returns error
2- get overtemperature threshold command always returns error
3- get Time Year Month Day Hour Minute Second command always returns the same values: ['165', '165', '165', '165', '165', '85'] even though the time on the station screen changes
4- there is a line 'openevse-9eec' on the screen that doesn't appear in RAPI responses, it's not firmware and protocol versions and appear to be different numeric values which are not displayed on the screen.
5-A charge connection returns values as shown below...
It sounds like you are using the RAPI commands, these are only really there for development/debug and there is no longer support for any of the action or set commands. Please use the HTTP API
We've connected the station to WiFi and using API commands over HTTP. This generally works and returns data but there are some problems as described below: 1- get lock status command always returns error 2- get overtemperature threshold command always returns error 3- get Time Year Month Day Hour Minute Second command always returns the same values: ['165', '165', '165', '165', '165', '85'] even though the time on the station screen changes 4- there is a line 'openevse-9eec' on the screen that doesn't appear in RAPI responses, it's not firmware and protocol versions and appear to be different numeric values which are not displayed on the screen. 5-A charge connection returns values as shown below...
Initial state: 'EV connected state': '0' 'State and elapsed charge time': ['01', '0', '01', '0200']
Charging started: 'EV connected state': '1' 'State and elapsed charge time': ['03', '94', '03', '0540']
What does these values in 'State and elapsed charge time' mean?
Any clarification of the above items will be greatly appreciated.