OpenEndedGroup / Field

A development environment for art
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properties in com.openendedgroup.Field.plist have no effect #2

Closed liuboto closed 12 years ago

liuboto commented 12 years ago

in field 14 alpha 5, using the defaults mechanism described in has no effect.


defaults write com.openendedgroup.Field editorTabSize -int 2

correctly changes the plist file but it has no effect in field. using the equivalent command-line option works ok

marcdownie commented 12 years ago

Confirmed. It will stay busted until we figure out, again, our launch strategy on OS X. Right now we no longer have com.openendedgroup.Field as the bundle identifier.

marcdownie commented 12 years ago

Field now checks the com.openendedgroup.Field domain as well as whatever app domain a command line app ends up using. The instructions are now valid.