I'm submitting an open dataset with a corresponding OEMetadata string for review.
Please see review_process.md for technical detail.
This table from TYNDP 2022 scenario study report describes energy demand in the transport sector of EU27 for scenario years 2030, 240, and 2050.
Workflow checklist
[x] I have submitted this issue to have metadata and data review documented (Issue #109)
[x] Create a new review-branch and push OEMetadata to new branch (review/tyndp_2022_updated_energy_demand_transport#109). If this step is too difficult, attach a file with the metadata as a comment in this issue and let the reviewer know.
[x] Upload data to the OEP in schema model_draft (see upload tutorial)
Issue description
I'm submitting an open dataset with a corresponding OEMetadata string for review. Please see review_process.md for technical detail. This table from TYNDP 2022 scenario study report describes energy demand in the transport sector of EU27 for scenario years 2030, 240, and 2050.
Workflow checklist
Start a Review
Reviewer section
Metadata and data for review
Here are the links to my data and metadata. Naming follows the pattern model_draft.project_nameofdata: Metadata: https://github.com/OpenEnergyPlatform/data-preprocessing/blob/review/tyndp_2022_updated_energy_demand_transport/data-review/tyndp_2022_updated_energy_demand_transport.json Data: https://openenergy-platform.org/dataedit/view/model_draft/tyndp_2022_updated_energy_demand_transport
Reviewed and published metadata and data
Final naming and location of the data and metadata after the review are as follows: schema.tablename