OpenEnergyPlatform / oemetadata

Repository for the Open Energy Family metadata. Contains metadata templates, examples and schemas. For metadata conversion see
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There is no concept to connect sources in the OEP #27

Open christian-rli opened 4 years ago

christian-rli commented 4 years ago

If a table comes from one source it's fairly simple to connect the source to the original data.

As soon as there are two sources for one table it's not possible in the metadata to selectively connect the information to the different sources.

When a table has a source column there should be a way to link something like a bibtex key and either reference (doi) an absolute source path or provide the source yourself. This can then be referenced in the metadata.

Ludee commented 4 years ago

There is a deprecated section for literature at the OEP. But other projects do it better:

Ludee commented 4 years ago

Solution A: Each source in the metadata has an key entry = bibkey Each source in the metadata has an additional doi In the data, there is a coulmn source/bibkey linking to the metadata

christian-rli commented 3 years ago

Solution A: Each source in the metadata has an key entry = bibkey Each source in the metadata has an additional doi In the data, there is a coulmn source/bibkey linking to the metadata

Repeating this to make sure I understand correctly: This will need two new keys in the metadata sources object: bibkey and doi. The value of 'bibkey' can also be found in a cell of the data in a column named 'source' or 'bibkey'. The value of 'doi' is only a doi, so it needs to be connected directly to the 'bibkey'. The structure needs to make sure that only one 'doi' belongs to one 'bibkey'. Did I understand correctly @Ludee ?

Does this also mean that with this solution only one source can be referenced for one line? Would it make sense to advise for an extra column in the data that includes the doi? It wold make it possible to match bibkey and doi automatically for the metadata. That function would still need to be written of course, but it might facilitate creating the sources for the metadata quite a bit.

jh-RLI commented 3 years ago

In modex we use the description field within a source (see example below) to add table and source identifier to the metadata (we use the bibtexkey as an identifier but that's not strict, could be any identifier value (e.g. a primary key id) as reference to a specific row in the data tables ). By that, we connect the source in the metadata with the bibtex file (if available). As we use the oedatamodel, we have a source column in the table. We insert the full bibtex citation and/or key there, by that we also connect the sources in the OEMetadata to the database table row (by id) and/or bibtexkey. This not perfect yet as we currently need to provide the bibtex file within the datapackage which is not compatible with the OEP. For future projects I would recommend adding the full citation text and bibtex key (as backup) in the source column for each row.


OEMetadata 1.4.1
"sources": [
        "title": "Impact of weighted average cost of capital, capital expenditure, and other parameters on future utility-scale {PV} levelised cost of electricity",
      ->"description": "[oed-table:scalar],[Bibtexkey:Vartiainen2019] - Impact of weighted average cost of capital, capital expenditure, and other parameters on future utility-scale PV levelised cost of electricity Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications",
        "path": "10.1002/pip.3189",
        "licenses": [

In the source column we can insert the same bibtexkey/full citation multiple times in different row´s.


chrwm commented 2 years ago

This issue may need further discussion to find a convenient solution. Hence, it will not yet be considered in oemetadata release v1.5 The proposed workaround seems to work well for projects that work with bib files, but introducing the key bibkey might deserve a second thought.

chrwm commented 1 year ago

FYI @srhbrnds @henhuy

Problem scope:

data & metadata = datapackage

Requirements on data & metadata (please add/edit):

example table 1: id region year storage_capacity charging_power fixed_cost variable_cost investment_cost operational_life_time mileage bandwidth_type version method source comment
1 Germany 2019 35 4 0.027 0.044 35000 12 12127 {'market_share': 'range'} {'storage_capacity':'LucadeTena2018', 'charging_power':'LucadeTena2018', 'fixed_cost':'ADAC2023', 'variable_cost':'ADAC2023', 'investment_cost':'ADAC2023', 'operational_life_time':'deTena2018', 'mileage':'motointegrator2023', 'occupancy_rate':'InstitutfuerangewandteSozialwissenschaftGmbH2018', 'market_share':'ownAssumptions', 'charging_efficiency' :'ownAssumptions', 'feed_in_efficiency':'ownAssumptions', 'energy_conversion_efficiency':'LucadeTena2018'}
2 Germany 2025 35 4 0.027 0.044 35000 12 12127 {'market_share': 'range'} {'storage_capacity':'deTena2018', 'charging_power':'deTena2018', 'fixed_cost':'ADAC2023', 'variable_cost':'ADAC2023', 'investment_cost':'ADAC2023', 'operational_life_time':'deTena2018', 'mileage':'motointegrator2023', 'occupancy_rate':'Mueller2013', 'market_share':'ownAssumptions', 'charging_efficiency' :'ownAssumptions', 'feed_in_efficiency':'ownAssumptions', 'energy_conversion_efficiency':'deTena2018'}
3 Germany 2030 35 5.5 0.03 0.044 32000 12 12127 {'market_share': 'range'} {'storage_capacity':'deTena2018', 'charging_power':'deTena2018', 'fixed_cost':'ADAC2023', 'variable_cost':'ADAC2023', 'investment_cost':'ADAC2023', 'operational_life_time':'deTena2018', 'mileage':'motointegrator2023', 'occupancy_rate':'Mueller2013', 'market_share':'ownAssumptions', 'charging_efficiency' :'ownAssumptions', 'feed_in_efficiency':'ownAssumptions', 'energy_conversion_efficiency':'deTena2018'}

example table 2:

id scenario_id region year input_energy_vector output_energy_vector technology technology_type parameter_name value unit tags method source comment
1909 2 ["Baltic"] 2016 air electricity wind turbine offshore installed capacity 338.8 MW WirtschaftundEnergieCap Dez 15
1910 2 ["North"] 2016 air electricity wind turbine offshore installed capacity 2956.1 MW WirtschaftundEnergieCap Dez 15
1911 2 ["BB","BE","BW","BY","HB","HE","HH","MV","NI","NW","RP","SH","SL","SN","ST","TH"] 2016 air electricity wind turbine onshore capital costs 1288000 €/MW {"value": "Interpolation 2015-2020"} DEA2020 p224
1912 2 ["BB","BE","BW","BY","HB","HE","HH","MV","NI","NW","RP","SH","SL","SN","ST","TH"] 2016 air electricity wind turbine onshore fixed costs 23280 €/MW/a {"value": "Interpolation 2015-2020"} DEA2020 p224
1913 2 ["BB","BE","BW","BY","HB","HE","HH","MV","NI","NW","RP","SH","SL","SN","ST","TH"] 2016 air electricity wind turbine onshore lifetime 25.4 years {"value": "Interpolation 2015-2020"} DEA2020 p224
1914 2 ["BB","BE","BW","BY","HB","HE","HH","MV","NI","NW","RP","SH","SL","SN","ST","TH","North","Baltic"] 2016 air electricity wind turbine offshore capital costs 2714000 €/MW {"value": "Interpolation 2015-2020"} DEA2020 p245
1915 2 ["BB","BE","BW","BY","HB","HE","HH","MV","NI","NW","RP","SH","SL","SN","ST","TH","North","Baltic"] 2016 air electricity wind turbine offshore fixed costs 53851.8 €/MW/a {"value": "Interpolation 2015-2020"} DEA2020 p245
1916 2 ["BB","BE","BW","BY","HB","HE","HH","MV","NI","NW","RP","SH","SL","SN","ST","TH","North","Baltic"] 2016 air electricity wind turbine offshore lifetime 25.4 years {"value": "Interpolation 2015-2020"} DEA2020 p245
2133 2 ["BB"] 2016 air electricity wind turbine onshore installed capacity 5700.03 MW MaStR2021
2134 2 ["BE"] 2016 air electricity wind turbine onshore installed capacity 11 MW MaStR2021

Proposed solution for OEM-1.6 or later:

  1. Introduce key bibSources and keep old structure within key e.g. library



        "bibSources": "http://url_to_bib_file_with_bib_file",
            "title": null,
            "description": null,
            "path": null,
            "licenses": [
                    "name": null,
                    "title": null,
                    "path": null,
                    "instruction": null,
                    "attribution": null
            "title": null,
            "description": null,
            "path": null,
            "licenses": [
                    "name": null,
                    "title": null,
                    "path": null,
                    "instruction": null,
                    "attribution": null

Licence information and rights of usage for entire datapackage still easily accessible in

"licenses": [
            "name": null,
            "title": null,
            "path": null,
            "instruction": null,
            "attribution": null
chrwm commented 1 year ago

There is no designated bibfile field for licences. bibfile field note is shown per default in bibliography and could be used for licence information.

jh-RLI commented 1 year ago

I like the idea suggested by @chrwm. This would completely separate the recommended way of source management from the metadata. Of course, the current solution would still be available.

I will add concerns that might be relevant. Perhaps we decide to include your solution first and try to resolve the issues later.

One objection for me would be that we would require all users to use the Bibtex format if they want to cite sources and link them efficiently in the data. (Maybe this is not even bad)

Another point is that if we keep the current format and use the Bibtex format, we would have to handle two formats if we want to display the sources in the OEP, for example. We would have to save the Bibtex file and read from it to display the source information on the website. (This is feasible but extra work)

chrwm commented 1 year ago

One objection for me would be that we would require all users to use the Bibtex format if they want to cite sources and link them efficiently in the data. (Maybe this is not even bad)

In my solution the current way of handling sources and the new key bibsources would exist parallel. So people could use both.

I agree to the other concern.

jh-RLI commented 1 year ago

Okay, I thought the use case you presented would add more features, but it is aimed at usability - then there is no concern :)

chrwm commented 1 year ago

From today's meeting: A link to bibSources seems to be accepted as an extra OEM-key. The question of whether one should be able to see the licences of the individual sources in OEMetadata in addition to the total licence of the resource (without having to look into the source) is still open.

chrwm commented 11 months ago

To pick things up again - I propose to implemtent the following solution:

  1. add a link field that links to a file containing the sources, e.g. a bibfile.
  2. move current resource-sources into another field, e.g. individual
        "link": "http://url_to_bib_file_with_bib_file",
            "title": null,
            "description": null,
            "path": null,
            "licenses": [
                    "name": null,
                    "title": null,
                    "path": null,
                    "instruction": null,
                    "attribution": null
            "title": null,
            "description": null,
            "path": null,
            "licenses": [
                    "name": null,
                    "title": null,
                    "path": null,
                    "instruction": null,
                    "attribution": null
  1. if link points to bibfile, motivate to save licence information in the note field, which is displayed by default, e.g.:
    author = {Hülk, Ludwig and Pleßmann, Guido and Muschner, Christoph and Kotthoff, Florian and Tepe, Deniz},
    title = {open-MaStR - Marktstammdatenregister},
    DOI = {10.5281/zenodo.6807426},
    publisher = {Zenodo},
    year = {2022},
    month = {Jul},
    note = {License information: Marktstammdatenregister - © Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen | DL-DE-BY-2.0}
