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Solar radiation components #1076

Open carstenhoyerklick opened 2 years ago

carstenhoyerklick commented 2 years ago

Description of the issue

Solar radiation has different components, which need to be added to the ontology. We have started discussions about direct, diffuse and global radiation in the issues #1067, #1072 and #1073. To ensure consistency this is merge of the three issues.

Ideas of solution

Direct Radiation Definition: Direct radiation is the non-scattered radiant flux from the Sun within the extent of the solar disk only (half-angle 0.266 deg). Comment:

Diffuse Radiation Definition: "Diffuse radiation is radiation that has been scattered by gas molecules in the atmosphere and by particles such as cloud droplets and aerosols."

This definition has been taken vom the cfconventions ( diffuse_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air.

Global Radiation This will be a subcasss of solar radiation (.... ocurrent -> process -> radaition -> solar radiation)

Suggested definition: Global Radiation is solar radiation received on a surface from a solid angle of 2pi steradians. It consists of direct radiation and diffuse radiation. Adapted from WMO G0560.

Direct Normal Radiation Definition: Direct radiation is the non-scattered radiant flux density collected by a surface normal to the direction of the Sun within the extent of the solar disk only (half-angle 0.266 deg).

Workflow checklist

I am aware that

l-emele commented 2 years ago

In the protocol of the OEO Dev 33 I read:

These are differentiated by how you measure them and how you use them

If the difference is the way you measure it then these are not different processes but different quantity values or process attributes.

mschroedter commented 2 years ago

No, the difference in our setup is not the way how you measure it. The difference is a physical process (with/without scattering in the atmosphere or the sum ob both).

There are different measurement devices used, but this is a follow-on, and not the basis of the definition.

And yes, others base their definition on the different measurement systems, but this is not our approach for the OEO. We only mention it as alternative definition someone may find in literature. Therefore, this is inside a comment to make users of the ontology aware.

carstenhoyerklick commented 2 years ago

Can we agree on the above defintions and go to implementation?

l-emele commented 2 years ago

What is a non-scattered radiant flux density in the direct radiation? Reads a lot like a quantity value. We need here a different definition.

carstenhoyerklick commented 2 years ago

non-scattered means that it traveled the direct path from the sun without hitting something inbetween. This is opposite to scattered flux, which has hit some molecule or particle and changed its direction. The non-scattered photons are those that came directly from the sun and can e.g. be concentrateded through mirrors or lenses. Scattered and non-scattered is the usual term in radiation physics.

stap-m commented 2 years ago

non scattered radiant flux density sounds like a quantity value to me, too, and direct radiation sounds like a subclass of radiation. Luckily, for every quantity value we usually also need an "entity in reality". E.g.:

carstenhoyerklick commented 2 years ago

This sounds good, but where to place those now? As subclasses to solar radiation? Where should the 'non scattered radiant flux density' go? Where would the last point go to? In SubClass Of?

l-emele commented 2 years ago

What is the unit of non scattered radiant flux density? Watts per square metre? Then it would be a subclass of (or the same as?) areal solar power density.

carstenhoyerklick commented 2 years ago

Yep, w/m², it would fit well there.

stap-m commented 2 years ago

Where would the last point go to? In SubClass Of?

By "last point" you mean the axiom? Then yes.

stap-m commented 2 years ago
  • direct radiation is the non-scattered solar radiation from the Sun within the extent of the solar disk only.

To continue with diffuse radiation Diffuse radiation is solar radiation that has been scattered by gas molecules in the atmosphere and by particles such as cloud droplets and aerosols.

stap-m commented 2 years ago

Global and Direct Normal Radiation both refer to the solar receiving surface #1074. The suggested def of direct normal radiation proposes a classification as non scattered radiant flux density which will be implemented as quantity value. Ok @carstenhoyerklick ? Can global radiation be defined/classified similarly to it?

carstenhoyerklick commented 1 year ago

To be discussed in OEO-DEV 46

l-emele commented 1 year ago

For documentation what was discussed in OEO dev meeting 46:

l-emele commented 1 year ago

It is now almost three months since we had the discussion in the oeo dev meeting. However, no one has implemented what we agreed. So I will do this now.

carstenhoyerklick commented 1 year ago

Apologies, it is still on my todo list, and wanted to work on it the next days. I was to busy in autumn.

l-emele commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I did not know that. Anyway most of this is now in #1448. If you want, you can take over and finalise this.

The following part is not clear to me:


* Direct / Diffuse / Global Horizontal radiation:

  * e.g. Direct/diffuse/global horizontal irradiation/irradiance is  direct/diffuse/global irradiation/irradiance measured on a horizontal solar receiving surface
  * Axiome:
  * "An areal solar energy density (irridiation) is an areal energy density that gives the arriving energy of solar radiation per area. A synonym for areal solar energy density is irradiation."
  * "A horizontal areal solar energy density (horizontal irridiation) is an areal energy density that gives the arriving energy of solar radiation on a horizontal area."
  * same for power density, normal, inclined, vertical...
  * As a quantity value?
  * Direct / Diffuse / Global irradiation on an inclinced plane
  * eg. Direct / diffuse / global horizontal irradiation/irradiance is direct/diffuse/global irradiation/irradiance meased on an inclined plane which is defined by its azimuth and slope.

Is this ready for implementation or does this need further discussion?

l-emele commented 1 year ago

PR #1448 is now merged. The remaining parts of this issue will probably take a while so I move the milestone.