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Please add energy-related task definitions in the OEO #1891

Open tpelser opened 1 month ago

tpelser commented 1 month ago

We (researchers from Jülich Systems Analysis) would like to use energy-related task definitions to describe research data (e.g. in knowledge graphs such as the ORKG or the OEKG), and to allow task/problem-oriented search and discovery of research data.

What are "task definitions":

These refer to tasks within a workflow for analysing aspects of energy systems. As an example, the spreedsheet "workflow" in this Excel file contains an overview of the workflow tasks for literature looking at wind power potentials:

These tasks include: Tasks 1 Determine wind speed characteristics of the region Definition: The tasks related to understanding the meteorological conditions of the study region and the theoretical wind potential. 1.1 Select appropriate wind data 1.2 Download & process wind data 1.3 Extrapolate wind speed vertically to hub height 1.4 Account for air density change 1.5 Determine wind speed frequency distribution 1.6 Determine theoretical potential / WPD 2 Determine available area for wind farm development Definition: The tasks related to estimating the areas which are available for development of wind parks, and the areas which are ineligible. 2.1 Download and process topographical data 2.2 … 3 Determine technical wind potential of the available land area 3.1 … 4 Determine economic potential of the available region 4.1 … 5 Determine feasible potential 5.1 … (*) -> optional task

Our aims

Our aim is to first have task definitions which are agreed upon in the domain (for referencing research data to it). Second step would be to introduce relationships between tasks (which can be used for knowledge transfer and data exploration/navigation). A relationship could be “sub/super task”. A third step could be the numbering of tasks within processes/(software)workflows to transparently describe, what data processing steps were performed in a study.

As an example of how a task could look like in an ontology, the BioAssay Ontology and the task "mitochondrial membrane potential assessment" can be used:

This task includes a definition, an IRI and a task hierarchy with “mitrochondrial…” being a SubClass Of “viability measurement method”.

tpelser commented 1 month ago

I would prefer to change the label from "[A] new term" to "enhancement" but do not have access to that.

stap-m commented 3 weeks ago

As an example of how a task could look like in an ontology, the BioAssay Ontology and the task "mitochondrial membrane potential assessment" can be used:

Hi @tpelser I looked at the example from BAO. There, the tasks are classified as subclasses of some kind of method. A method would correspond to oeo's methodology. Is this what you intend? To continue with this issue, I suggest to have a call and discuss the idea of the issue in more detail.

tpelser commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @stap-m, as discussed, here is the full list of tasks:

  1. Determine the wind characteristics of the region 1.1 Data acquisition and pre-processing 1.2 Extrapolate wind speed vertically to hub height 1.3 Account for air density change 1.4 Determine wind speed frequency distribution 1.5 Determine seasonal/diurnal variability 1.6 Determine the theoretical potential / WPD

  2. Determine available area for wind farm development 2.1 Download and process topographical data 2.2 Interpolate wind data to greater resolution horizontally 2.3 Select exclusion criteria and buffer distances 2.4 Acquisition and processing datasets for exclusion criteria 2.5 * If soft exlusion criteria: determine MCDA approach 2.6 Determine area/hotspots for development 2.7 Determine geographical potential

  3. Determine technical wind potential of the available area 3.1 Select appropriate turbine type(s) 3.2 Place turbines in area or determine capacity density 3.3 Evaluate for single turbine 3.4 Account for wake losses 3.5 Use power curve with wind distribution function to determine annual energy yield 3.6 Determine capacity factor CF 3.7 Calculate technical potential

  4. Determine economic potential of the available region 4.1 Determine WT lifetime 4.2 Determine investment costs 4.3 Determine operating and maintenance costs 4.4 Determine discount & interest rate 4.5 Calculate LCOE for each turbine 4.6 Calculate economic potential for LCOE range

  5. Determine the feasible potential 5.1 Apply additional social/market constraints 5.2 Calculate feasible potential for the region

stap-m commented 1 week ago


In the figure, I visualized the (from IAO imported) structure that we use in OEO to relate methodologies to processes. I added the definitions (green) for explanation, and applied the structure to the first task of your list (blue).

The specification of the tasks raises (again) the question whether this is really within the scope of OEO. I put it on the next meeting's agenda.