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HydroPowerPlant and OceanPowerPlant need a new attempt #78

Closed han-f closed 3 years ago

han-f commented 4 years ago

HydroPowerPlant and OceanPowerPlant need a rework

han-f commented 4 years ago

Andy HdyroPower and Hydroelectricity also need another glance

akleinau commented 4 years ago

So I propose:

with definitions: HydroPowerplant: A HydroPowerplant is an ArtificialObject that is a powerplant using hydropower as its source of energy. OceanPowerplant: An OceanPowerplant is a HydroPowerplant that is a powerplant using the oceans motion to create electric energy. ReservoirPowerplant: A ReservoirPowerplant is a HydroPowerplant that uses one or more reservoirs. StorageHydroPowerplant: A StorageHydroPowerplant is a Powerplant that stores energy in the form of hydro power. PumpstoragePowerplant: A PumpstoragePowerplant is a StorageHydroPowerplant used to store energy by pumping water from one reservoir to another. PumpstoragePowerplantWithNaturalInflux: A PumpstoragePowerplantWithNaturalInflux is a StorageHydroPowerplant that works like a PumpstoragePowerplant but has additional natural influx of water to some of the involved reservoirs.

l-emele commented 4 years ago

ReservoirPowerplant: A ReservoirPowerplant is a HydroPowerplant that uses one or more reservoirs. StorageHydroPowerplant: A StorageHydroPowerplant is a Powerplant that stores energy in the form of hydro power.

Those two definitions are too similar.

PumpstoragePowerplantWithNaturalInflux should be a subclass of PumpstoragePowerplant as every PumpstoragePowerplantWithNaturalInflux is still a PumpstoragePowerplant.

l-emele commented 4 years ago


StorageHydroPowerplant: A StorageHydroPowerplant is a Powerplant that stores energy in the form of hydro power.

Alternative prosal: A StorageHydroPowerplant is a Powerplant that stores energy in the form of potential energy of water in a reservoir.

akleinau commented 4 years ago

delete the classes for now

l-emele commented 3 years ago

From today's OEO dev meeting 17:

New classes:

Delete classes as it is basically the same process, only the power plants differ:

Minor things:



l-emele commented 3 years ago

Regarding the distinction between run of river power plants and hydro storage power plant and the distinction between pumped hydro storage power plants with and without natural intake. Via Wikipedia I found the following ENTSO-E definitions with a special focus on modelling:

a) Run-of-River and Pondage: Plants that do not have pumping capacity, do not have reservoirs, or have small reservoirs with a maximum of 24 hours of storage. (Reservoir Capacity / Net Generating Capacity ≤ 24 hours). b) Reservoir: This category contains hydro plants that have reservoirs, but do not have pumping capacity. They are pure generation plants with reservoirs with a storage capacity higher than 24 hours. (Reservoir Capacity / Net Generating Capacity > 24 hours). c) Open-loop Pump Storage: This category contains hydro plants that have Pumping capacity/technology in place, irrespectively of reservoir size, and that have Natural Inflows. d) Closed-loop Pump Storage: This category contains hydro plants that have Pumping capacity/technology in place, irrespectively of reservoir size, and that do not have Natural Inflows.

Source: ENTSO-E; Hydropower modelling – New database complementing PECD. V.1.0, 12 September 2019, page 6.

stap-m commented 3 years ago

With respect to the ENTSO-E def, we could extend the def of run of river: A run of river power plant is a hydro power plant that uses the momentarily available hydro energy of a river. It has either no reservoir or just has a small one with a maximum of 24 hours of storage.

It also gives good input for the pumped hydro storage power plant:

Do we want a class like reservoir hydro storage power plant as subclass of hydro storage power plant, that explicitly excludes a pump?

stap-m commented 3 years ago

Definition of hydro energy: maybe put 'potential' before 'kinetic' in definition as potential energy has even in run-off river power plants more impact than kinetic energy

As far as I remember, we agreed on that already.

l-emele commented 3 years ago

Definition of hydro energy: maybe put 'potential' before 'kinetic' in definition as potential energy has even in run-off river power plants more impact than kinetic energy

As far as I remember, we agreed on that already.

In the pad of oeo dev 17 we wrote:

water turbine: potential energy has more impact than kinetic energy -> maybe put 'potential' before 'kinetic' in definition

The word maybe highlighted by me. But if we now have a consensus I am happy with changing the def.

stap-m commented 3 years ago

The word maybe highlighted by me. But if we now have a consensus I am happy with changing the def.

Ok. At least I'm in favour for that change. Any objections by others @OpenEnergyPlatform/oeo-domain-expert-energy-modelling ?

l-emele commented 3 years ago

For pump: We defined a turbine as: A turbine is an energy converting device that converts energy from a moving fluid flow into rotational energy. As a pump is an inverted turbine, we could define pump as: A pump is an energy converting device that converts rotational energy into energy of a moving fluid.

l-emele commented 3 years ago

For river I created a separate issue #760.

l-emele commented 3 years ago

water turbine: potential energy has more impact than kinetic energy -> maybe put 'potential' before 'kinetic' in definition

The word maybe highlighted by me. But if we now have a consensus I am happy with changing the def.

Ok. At least I'm in favour for that change. Any objections by others @OpenEnergyPlatform/oeo-domain-expert-energy-modelling ?

No objections for a week, so I will implement this.

I also added to the following editor note: _The distinction between a run of river powerplant and an hydro storage powerplant is important for modelling, but in reality not so easy. The chosen distinction follows the document: European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E): Hydropower modelling – New database complementing PECD, V.1.0, 12 December 2019,

For ocean energy and related terms I will create a separate issue.

So last remaining question in this issue:

Do we want a class like reservoir hydro storage power plant as subclass of hydro storage power plant, that explicitly excludes a pump?

stap-m commented 3 years ago

As a pump is an inverted turbine, we could define pump as: A pump is an energy converting device that converts rotational energy into energy of a moving fluid.

There're also other kinds of pumps. It's not necessarily rotational energy and for compressible fluids, e.g. air, a pump can also convert into potential energy.

l-emele commented 3 years ago

What about: A pump is an energy converting device that converts rotational energy into kinetic energy and potential energy of a fluid.?

Btw, we do not yet have fluid, but should define it. I'll create an issue for that.

stap-m commented 3 years ago

A pump is an energy converting device that converts energy into kinetic or potential energy of a fluid.?

l-emele commented 3 years ago

Sounds good, I'll implement this new pump definition.

l-emele commented 3 years ago

Do we want a class like reservoir hydro storage power plant as subclass of hydro storage power plant, that explicitly excludes a pump?

I created a separate issue for that #767 as this issue and pull request #758 already cover a lot of things.