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Implementation of cost subclasses #891

Closed HeddaElisabethGardian closed 2 years ago

HeddaElisabethGardian commented 2 years ago

Description of the issue

There are multiple terms to distinguish costs:

Ideas of solution

Possible classsification: as subclass of entity/continuant/generically dependent continuant/information content entity/quantity value/economic value/cost

Workflow checklist

I am aware that

KaiSchnepf commented 2 years ago

@HeddaElisabethGardian what do you think about this definition:

We also need definitions for the following terms:

Vera-IER commented 2 years ago

We could even use subclasses of cost subclasses here for some terms: Cost of Equipment and Cost of grid connection could be subclasses of investment costs. Cost of rent of land could be a subclass of fixed operation & maintenance costs.

Ludee commented 2 years ago

From OEO-DEV #28:

General Discussion

Variable cost



stap-m commented 2 years ago

Decision: not yet continue with including variable consumption cost, rather focus on production for the time being and see whether consumption-related information is required at a later stage.

I implement variable cost and variable production cost. I won't close the issue und shift it to a later milestone.

HeddaElisabethGardian commented 2 years ago

Does the definition "Variable costs are costs that depend on an amount of goods or services." include the variable costs for a technological device running? Is for example the production of electrical energy by a wind turbine a "service" provided? If yes, then the definition is correct in my option.

l-emele commented 2 years ago

I think, electrical energy should get the axiom 'has role' some 'commodity role', then this would be covered by the definition of variable cost.

HeddaElisabethGardian commented 2 years ago

Concerning the other cost terms, here is a suggestion for a definition:

Investment costs: Investment costs are costs, beyond the research and development phase, associated with capital improvements, including the acquisition and development of land, the design and construction of new facilities.

Fixed operation and maintenance costs: Fixed costs are costs for operation and mantainance that do not vary with the amount of goods or services produced.

Equipment costs: Equipment costs are costs for the components and machinery including environmental facilities.

Grid connection costs: Grid connection costs are costs of grid connection from the energy generating device to point of connection to national grid.

Rent of land costs: Rent of land costs are costs arising from the land rental on which a technological device has been constructed.

Decommissioning costs: Decommissioning costs are costs arising from the decommissioning of a technological device at the end of its lifetime.

HeddaElisabethGardian commented 2 years ago

Decisions from the oeo-dev-meeting:

Investment cost

Fixed cost:

Still open for discussion:

Equipment cost:

Installation cost:

Grid connection cost:

Property cost:

Decommissioning cost:

Still open: Finding axioms

KaiSchnepf commented 2 years ago

Does anybody have an idea for some axioms or want to change definitions? I would like to implement.

Vera-IER commented 2 years ago

I would also need the cost subclass delivery cost as a model parameter for our model. There is a definition proposal posted already above: Delivered costs for a product or service refer to the total unit cost of a product or commodity delivered to a certain market, city or customer. It is normally composed of all associated transport costs and the unit cost of production for that product.

A suggestion for an Arestotelian definition would be: Delivery costs are costs for a product or service that refer to the total unit cost of a product or commodity delivered to a certain market, city or customer. It is normally composed of all associated transport costs and the unit cost of production for that product.

HeddaElisabethGardian commented 2 years ago

Would an appropriate axiom be "has unit some currency" and "has unit some unit of measurement"?

Vera-IER commented 2 years ago

I think the axiom has unit some currency would be appropriate, but since unit of measurement is the parent class of currency, the second axiom is not necessary in my view

HeddaElisabethGardian commented 2 years ago

For the term "social cost of carbon" both axioms are listed, but you are right the parent class is redundant.

stap-m commented 2 years ago

All subclasses of unit of measurement inherit has unit some unit of measurement by the parent class, as well as all subclasses of cost inherit the axiom has unit some currency automatically.

stap-m commented 2 years ago

Decisions from the oeo-dev-meeting:

Investment cost

  • parent: cost
  • Definition: Investment is a long-term commitment of financial resources in tangible or intangible assets.
  • Alternative term: investment cost, capital investment cost, fixed investment cost_

We should not mix up "investment" and "investment cost". "Investment" seems to be the process of investing, whereas "investment cost" refers to the cost of this process. In this case you want to implement investment cost, as you made it a subclass of cost, right? This should be reflected in the definition. Hence, I'd label it investment cost and make investment alternative term.

Maybe it's sensible to implement both investment cost and a process investment. @l-emele ? In that case, we should add an axiom like 'investment cost' 'economic value of' some 'investment'

l-emele commented 2 years ago

Maybe, I do not understand this definition proposl. But to me, the concept described with the current definition proposal (Investment is a long-term commitment of financial resources in tangible or intangible assets.) is neither a subclass of a cost nor of a process. A long-term commitment is to me a commitment to either do something in the far future or for a long time. In the definition proposal the reference to the indented parent concept (cost) is missing completely.

stap-m commented 2 years ago

The proposed def can't be used since it's not Aristotelian (as long as we don't have "long-term commitment") and I didn't suggest to do so. I intended to feaze the mixed up concepts, but maybe it's easiest to just focus on the cost part.

EDIT: Easy suggestion: Investment costs are costs of a long-term commitment of financial resources in tangible or intangible assets.