OpenEtherCATsociety / SOEM

Simple Open Source EtherCAT Master
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The C++ Standard Library forbids macroizing the keyword "inline" #477

Closed ilya-vl closed 3 years ago

ilya-vl commented 3 years ago

When using the library in a c++ project, I get the warning C4005 inline: macro redefinition, and error C1189 The C++ Standard Library forbids macroizing the keyword "inline" in file pcap-stdinc.h, in line 69 You may need to fix this.

In my case, the #ifndef directive helped

#ifndef __cplusplus
#define inline __inline

additional information: MSVC 2019 compiler Project Tree:

│   CMakeLists.txt
│       CMakeLists.txt
│       CMakeProject.cpp
│       CMakeProject.h

The Solution CMakeLists.txt contains the following:

add_subdirectory ("CMakeProject")
add_subdirectory ("SOEM-master")

the CMakeProject CMakeLists.txt contains the following:

include_directories( ../SOEM-master/osal )
include_directories( ../SOEM-master/osal/win32) 
include_directories( ../SOEM-master/oshw/win32)
include_directories( ../SOEM-master/oshw/win32/wpcap/Include)
link_directories( ../SOEM-master/oshw/win32/wpcap/Lib/x64)

add_executable (CMakeProject "CMakeProject.cpp" "CMakeProject.h")
target_link_libraries(CMakeProject soem)


ArthurKetels commented 3 years ago

Well, SOEM is a C library. For other languages, compile as a lib and link to it. When necessary ad wrappers to bind to your preferred language. Second, strictly speaking winpcap is not part of SOEM, it is just included for convenience. You can replace it by ncap if you like.

nakarlsson commented 3 years ago

Won't fix