OpenEugene / OpenEugeneFestivalWeb

The Web site for the Open Eugene Festival
MIT License
3 stars 2 forks source link

Deadlines #12

Closed sdudenhofer closed 5 years ago

sdudenhofer commented 6 years ago

Need to set some basic deadlines of when we need to have the site running by. With clear markers that we can aim towards.

markdav-is commented 6 years ago

when do we need color pallet picked and header graphics?

sdudenhofer commented 6 years ago

The color pallet we should be able to adjust at any time through CSS, so it can be adjusted on the fly. The header graphic would be great to have sooner rather than later but again should be mostly css work to tweak.

markdav-is commented 6 years ago

we have more design asset here: