OpenExoplanetCatalogue / open_exoplanet_catalogue

The main data repository for the Open Exoplanet Catalogue
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Proxima Centauri c #1110

Closed TheDeathStar3 closed 3 years ago

TheDeathStar3 commented 3 years ago

Please review the commit, I know that there is a newly discovered planet in Proxima Centauri So I wanted to add it to the catalogue.

Sorry I did not realize that I was naming the commit what it says so please edited to something like "Added Proxima Centauri c" since it does not allow me to edit the name.

hannorein commented 3 years ago


(There were a lot of issues with the xml formatting. If you're planning to submit more pull requests, try to be more exact with the tags or try to run the cleanup script until no more errors occur.)