OpenExoplanetCatalogue / open_exoplanet_catalogue

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rename Bonner Durchmusterung objects to consistent format #949

Closed douglase closed 7 years ago

douglase commented 7 years ago

This PR renames files with BD identifiers to include the + without a space in the filename for consistency and places the correct identifier first in the list. It also adds whitespace between the declination and the star identifier where is was previously missing. This is consistent with other BD objects in the catalog and allows looking up the object in SIMBAD.

douglase commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure why the travis-ci build is failing, the output of the travis run says no issues were found:

Cleanup script finished. 5454 files checked.

3 file(s) modified.

No issues found.

The command "python" exited with 1.

Done. Your build exited with 1.
hannorein commented 7 years ago

It might complain about the indentation. Try running the cleanup script beforehand.

douglase commented 7 years ago

yep, that fixed it.