OpenFactorioServerManager / factorio-server-manager

A tool to help manage Factorio multiplayer servers including mods and save games.
MIT License
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Server autostart #362

Open Parabux opened 8 months ago

Parabux commented 8 months ago

Hi i have a server running on docker. the docker does a backup every night. this stops all containers. when factorio server manager starts up, i dosnt start the game server. would it be possible to get an button to make the server autostart on container start?

mroote commented 8 months ago

You should be able to set the FSM_AUTOSTART environment variable in the docker container to start the server automatically.

Parabux commented 8 months ago

do i set FSM_AUTOSTART to true or 1 ? im no pro with docker :P

Mattie112 commented 8 months ago

It looks to be true/false:

(And this is not a Docker thing btw, if you would to run this app without docker you can still use environment variables to configure it.

Parabux commented 8 months ago

Tanks for the help so far. Still haven't gotten this to work. tried two different env variables. im betting its me doing something silly.


i'm running this on unraid with an official image found on the community application store. the images is from portainer. I use portainer for a bit more granular access to the containers.

knoxfighter commented 8 months ago

Have a look into #315 to see how to setup envs in unraid, do the same for FSM_AUTOSTART=true and it should work.

mwLabs-eu commented 3 months ago

Hi, tried it on my server but still no autostart. Is anyone here who got it working?

armandkd commented 3 months ago

I can confirm that setting the env variable in Docker does NOT work for me.

armandkd commented 3 months ago

The FACTORIO_VERSION environment variable is working though. So it's probably not a problem with how I set the environment variables in Docker, but rather an issue with ofsm itself. I have also checked the conf.json file and the flags (as the documentation states that they will take precedence over the environment variables) and autostart is not present. I have also noticed that autostart is not mentioned in the conf.json documentation. This leads me to believe that this functionality may not be fully implemented yet.

mwLabs-eu commented 3 months ago

Due to the missing auto-restart, I excluded the container from my backups (I thought, Autosave would be fine). Yesterday a friend of mine started a train, crashed the server, and all saves were wiped. I don't know if this was already before the crash, wasn´t able to find any helpful in the logs. So just a reminder - create backups... (sorry for being off-topic)