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kobotoolbox: migrate to common 2.0 #695

Open josephjclark opened 1 month ago

josephjclark commented 1 month ago

At the moment, kobotoolbox is version locked to common@1.15

This means it's still using and exporting the old axios HTTP helpers.

We can live with this for a while BUT a major problem here is that the docs for kobo will be wrong.

kobo docs says it exports http from common. If you click on http it'll show you the latest common docs, which use the new undici APIs. This is a lie.

What we need to do is:

josephjclark commented 1 month ago

Hey @aleksa-krolls gotta flag this - I want to put out a common 2.0 adaptor in the next couple of days, but it'll introduce a documentation bug in kobo. I think we'll need to address this urgently by migrating kobotoolbox away from axios (which is a good thing anyway).

So I think someone will need to pick this up next week.

josephjclark commented 1 month ago

Ditto for progres and rapidpro actually. With those two I would rather remove the http export and put out a new major release. I'd rather break them than maintain them.