OpenFn / kit

The bits & pieces that make OpenFn work. (diagrammer, cli, compiler, runtime, runtime manager, logger, etc.)
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Fix alias exports #652

Closed josephjclark closed 2 months ago

josephjclark commented 2 months ago

This PR adds a little fix to describe-package which allows us to track export * as http from './http' style export aliases.

This has been a big problem and stops us using eg http.get in jobs.

The problem is that our wrapped-symbol.ts, which wraps up a TS symbol into something more manageable, is failing to recognise exports of the type export * as. Two small tweaks to wrapped-symbol fix it.

One thing to note is that the generated package description now includes a namespaces array as well as a functions array. The nice thing about this is that the new exports won't break anything unexpected - we're adding new information to an export, we're not changing existing information,

This fix will apply to the CLI and worker.

Related issue

Fixes #238 #363

josephjclark commented 2 months ago

This job now works:

fn(async (state) => {
  const response = await http.get({ url: '' })(state);
  return {


[CLI] ♦ Versions:
         ▸ node.js                    18.12.1
         ▸ cli                        1.1.4
         ▸ @openfn/language-common    latest
[CLI] ✔ Installing packages...
[CLI] ✔ Installation complete in 336ms
[CLI] ✔ Compiled all expressions in workflow
The common.http.¬get function has been deprecated. This adaptor should migrate to use common.util.http instead.
[R/T] ✔ Completed step job-1 in 231ms
[CLI] ✔ Result: 
[CLI] ♦ {
  "data": {
    "userId": 1,
    "id": 1,
    "title": "delectus aut autem",
    "completed": false
[CLI] ✔ Finished in 650ms ✨

The same job against the production CLI fails (http not defined)

josephjclark commented 2 months ago

This works with the new common helpers (but only if I edit the adaptor to support the helpers, see )

fn(async (state) => {
  const response = await util.request('GET', '');
  return {
    data: response.body