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cli: make apollo user-friendly #701

Open josephjclark opened 1 month ago

josephjclark commented 1 month ago

The apollo command is basically functional but so, so user unfriendly. It's user-hostile. Amti-user

It's not so much a problem right now because there's only one service on apollo and it barely works

This issue is a list of possible improvements that can be made.

Make it easy to get to my server's landing page

The Apollo server itself shows a rich html listing of what services are available, and provides the readme for each. We should make it easy to get the active server's help pages (local, staging or prod)

List available services

openfn apollo ls should list all the services, just like the apollo root soes

Show detailed docs for a service

openfn apollo help <service-name> should print detailed help, including usage examples, for a given endpoint.

The help data must come the apollo server. Does this mean we just dump the readme?

Generate sample data

Some services need sample data. Can the server provide one or more sample datasets and the CLI auto-download them? I'd like to run openfn apollo adator_gen with default values and get something back. I think? Is that even a nonsense use case?

Make API key management easier

Many services need API keys, and at the moment it's the wild west.

It would be nice to do:

openfn apollo add-key <model-name> <key>

And then whenever the CLI calls a service with that model, it can default api_key to that key.

I guess the key is saved, encrypted, in the CLI repo.

Read Env vars

In JSON payloads, we should be able to read stuff from env vars. Like any value of the form $API_KEY (all one word, all caps, start with dollar) we should try and resolve against process.env

We could also allow payloads to be a JS module that exports JSON, which gives better env management and even data generation capabilities.

Add utils or wrappers for template generation

Template generation is kinda hard.


Public Documentation

We should host user-friendly API documentation somewhere, I guess on Probably with tutorials. Neither the CLI nor the server is mature enough for this yet.