OpenFn / lightning

OpenFn/Lightning ⚡️ is the newest version of the OpenFn DPG and provides a web UI to visually manage complex workflow automation projects.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Reset_demo failing via external Kubernetes cron #1010

Closed taylordowns2000 closed 10 months ago

taylordowns2000 commented 1 year ago

We should also fix version reporting via Application.spec() - looks like :application.get_key(:lightning, :vsn), no longer works in Erlang26

taylordowns2000 commented 10 months ago

Using WorkOrders.update_state requires pubsub. Let's reach one step below this to run setup_demo via kubectl without needing to start the pubsub registry.

ERROR 2023-11-14T00:00:43.264049788Z [resource.labels.containerName: kubectl] Unable to use a TTY - input is not a terminal or the right kind of file
ERROR 2023-11-14T00:00:49.620545430Z [resource.labels.containerName: kubectl] ** (ArgumentError) unknown registry: Lightning.PubSub. Either the registry name is invalid or the registry is not running, possibly because its application isn't started
ERROR 2023-11-14T00:00:49.620630478Z [resource.labels.containerName: kubectl] (elixir 1.15.4) lib/registry.ex:1086: Registry.meta/2
ERROR 2023-11-14T00:00:49.620639746Z [resource.labels.containerName: kubectl] lib/phoenix/pubsub.ex:148: Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast/4
ERROR 2023-11-14T00:00:49.620645718Z [resource.labels.containerName: kubectl] (lightning 0.10.0-pre8) lib/lightning/work_orders.ex:368: anonymous fn/1 in Lightning.WorkOrders.update_state/1
ERROR 2023-11-14T00:00:49.620651688Z [resource.labels.containerName: kubectl] (lightning 0.10.0-pre8) lib/lightning/setup_utils.ex:976: Lightning.SetupUtils.create_workorder/4
ERROR 2023-11-14T00:00:49.620656501Z [resource.labels.containerName: kubectl] (lightning 0.10.0-pre8) lib/lightning/setup_utils.ex:664: Lightning.SetupUtils.create_openhie_project/1
ERROR 2023-11-14T00:00:49.620661766Z [resource.labels.containerName: kubectl] (lightning 0.10.0-pre8) lib/lightning/setup_utils.ex:44: Lightning.SetupUtils.setup_demo/1
ERROR 2023-11-14T00:00:49.620686977Z [resource.labels.containerName: kubectl] (ecto_sql 3.10.2) lib/ecto/migrator.ex:170: Ecto.Migrator.with_repo/3
ERROR 2023-11-14T00:00:49.620693164Z [resource.labels.containerName: kubectl] nofile:1: (file)
ERROR 2023-11-14T00:00:49.631601397Z [resource.labels.containerName: kubectl] command terminated with exit code 1

  def update_state(%Attempt{} = attempt) do
    state_query = Query.state_for(attempt)

    from(wo in WorkOrder,
      where: == ^attempt.work_order_id,
      join: s in subquery(state_query),
      on: true,
      select: wo,
      update: [set: [state: s.state, last_activity: ^DateTime.utc_now()]]
    |> Repo.update_all([], returning: true)
    # TODO - split this next bit out into another function???
    |> then(fn {_, [wo]} ->
      updated_wo = Repo.preload(wo, :workflow)
      Events.work_order_updated(updated_wo.workflow.project_id, updated_wo)
      {:ok, wo}