OpenFn / lightning

OpenFn/Lightning ⚡️ is the newest version of the OpenFn DPG and provides a web UI to visually manage complex workflow automation projects.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Workflow Diagram: add undo/redo #2177

Open josephjclark opened 3 weeks ago

josephjclark commented 3 weeks ago

Allow undo and redo of changes in the workflow diagram.

This feels a bit more important with the addition of edge creation. I feel like I want to easily be able to undo a new edge. Ok, I can go and delete it ,but as a user it FEELS like I should have an undo.

Does this include changes made through the forms, like step names and stuff? Or is it it just changes to the diagram? It could be confusing both ways.

Undo/redo would only affect local changes.

It is independent of save. If you save, then undo, the undone changes will not be saved until you hit Save. Simple.

Undo/redo fires on ctrl/cmd + z/y. It likely appears on the toolbar