OpenFreeEnergy / protein-ligand-benchmark

Protein-Ligand Benchmark Dataset for Free Energy Calculations
MIT License
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Thrombin all ligands: should the primary amine be charged or neutral? #7

Closed hannahbaumann closed 1 year ago

hannahbaumann commented 1 year ago

All ligands have a primary amine which is not charged, while it was protonated in the Hahn et al. PLB. Similar case/question as above.

hannahbaumann commented 1 year ago

The primary amine points towards the solvent and is not buried in the binding pocket.

hannahbaumann commented 1 year ago

Changed protonation state of the primary amine of all ligands to +1 since that is the protonation state of the ligands both in the PLB by Hahn et al. as well as in the Schrodinger benchmark set ( commit dc84b6733b2c0b974d4d1c170c80298cd6b7fe4b

New ligand.sdf file was generated using Openeye:

from openeye.oechem import*
from openeye.oequacpac import *  

ligs = 'ligands_old.sdf'

# Read your molecule with OEReader
istream = oemolistream(ligs)
# Output file
ofs = oemolostream('ligands.sdf')
omol = oechem.OEGraphMol()
# Get the tautomers, only write out first tautomer
for inx,lig in enumerate(istream.GetOEGraphMols()):
    tautomerOptions = OETautomerOptions()
    pKaNorm = True
    indx = 0
    for tautomer in OEGetReasonableTautomers(lig, tautomerOptions, pKaNorm):
        if indx == 0:
            OEWriteMolecule(ofs, tautomer)
        indx += 1
hannahbaumann commented 12 months ago

From this pka prediction (done with Simulations Plus ADMETpredictor V.11 in the context of the OpenFF consortium for method development) it looks like both protonation states are present at pH=7.4 (assay condition)
