OpenGenus / Join_OpenGenus

Welcome to the OpenGenus Community ! 🉑 Do join our Internship program: :walking_woman: .
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Application to join the community. #605

Open ArslanYM opened 1 year ago

ArslanYM commented 1 year ago

Dear OpenGenus,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Arsalan Malik, and I am a passionate developer with two years of experience in Full-Stack Developing and am currently building projects using Flutter and dart.

I came across your community of developers and was impressed by the level of collaboration, innovation, and growth that it fosters. I believe that being a part of such a community would not only benefit me as a developer but also help me contribute to the growth and development of the community.

I have experience in Javascript, Java, C++ , dart and other technologies used for backend, frontend and mobile development as well as Web Development. My passion for coding has led me to take on challenging projects, and I am always eager to learn and explore new technologies. I am confident that my skills, enthusiasm, and drive to constantly improve would make me a valuable addition to the community.

I would love the opportunity to participate in the community's events, collaborate with other developers, and contribute to the growth of the industry. I am also eager to learn from the experiences and knowledge of other members of the community.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to be a part of this community and to contribute to its growth.

Best regards, Arsalan Malik.

Link to my GitHub :