OpenGeoMetadata / GeoCombine

A Ruby toolkit for managing geospatial metadata
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Possible XSL FGDC and ISO to HTML #18

Closed mejackreed closed 1 year ago

mejackreed commented 9 years ago

So I found this XSL which actually seems to do a decent semantic job of going to HTML for both FGDC and HTML.

See two sample conversion here:

For ISO md I would like some better dt's but its not that terrible

Thoughts @gravesm , @drh-stanford , @eliotjordan , @kimdurante ??

gravesm commented 9 years ago

It's kind of an abuse of dl, since there's not a single dd in there. I'm not super keen on the fact that the key/value pairs end up as: <em>key</em> value. Still, this is not a high priority feature for me, so if it makes it easier to use this, I'm fine with it. It's probably good enough for how often this will be used.

mejackreed commented 9 years ago

I'm wondering if some of that could be slightly modified to remove the <em> in favor of just a dt and outside of that dt using the dd block. Not sure how hard that modification would be.

kimdurante commented 9 years ago

As Mike mentioned, it's probably good enough. However, particularly with ISO, I am not in favor of hierarchical element names and data types being presented in this way. For instance:

(identifier): (MD_Identifier): (code): (CharacterString):

could be represented more simply as: Identifier:

it just looks cleaner and given the hierarchy of ISO, would make the metadata more human readable to someone who doesn't have knowledge of the tag jargon.

jrgriffiniii commented 7 years ago

As was understood to only partial address this issue, I am currently working to resolve Please note that there is still a discrepancy between the markup generated using these XSL Stylesheets and what styling is possible without hard-coding Bootstrap classes. The desired design:

...and the currently supported implementation:


I'm afraid that I cannot implement the current design without modifying the XSL Stylesheets. Are there any objections, thoughts, or additional changes which should be considered?

mejackreed commented 7 years ago

I'd say implement what is currently there (no XSL modifications) and then we can iterate on that. I'd be a bit hesitant to provide custom styling in GeoCombine, but I could see that getting injected by consumers of GeoCombine using Nokogiri later down the line.

thatbudakguy commented 1 year ago

Closing, since these XSL exist now