OpenGeoMetadata / shared-repository

Communal repository
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Submodules #11

Closed waynegraham closed 2 years ago

waynegraham commented 9 years ago

Should each of the directories for this repo (e.g. edu.standford.purl, edu.virginia, edu.princeton.arks and org.nypl) be submodules to the repo? Right now the metadata is in two places and this could clean it up a bit to make it easier to manage getting all the data from the metadatarepository repo.

chrissbarnett commented 9 years ago

That sounds like a great idea.

mejackreed commented 9 years ago


tmcw commented 9 years ago

I'd :-1: this: submodules are a pretty poorly implemented and thus rarely used feature of git. Regardless of readme documentation, nobody ever git clone --recursives the first time. And usually the problem they're trying to solved either the simple way (linking to things in the readme) or with a system that fixes that specific issue, like a module system.

drh-stanford commented 9 years ago

we need some way to build a registry of the institutional repositories. we can use git submodules for those within this repo or some other simple repositories.json. but what about metadata repos outside of github? what would that look like? does it matter?