OpenGovLD / specs

Linked Data vocabulary and API for parliamentary and committee information systems
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CamelCase versus snake_case #106

Open akuckartz opened 9 years ago

akuckartz commented 9 years ago

The last draft of OParl uses CamelCase (reason: compatibility with RDF conventions). Popolo prefers snaked_case (reason: compatibility with ORMs):

If an implementation serializes to JSON, its serializations must validate against this specification's JSON Schema.

As described in the conformance section, JSON serializations must validate against the JSON Schema (draft v3) below. The terms use snake case (birth_date) instead of camel case (birthDate), due to its popularity among ORMs.

jpmckinney commented 9 years ago

Note that the proposed opengov: namespaced terms are camelCase - it's just the JSON serialization that switches case.

akuckartz commented 9 years ago

Yes, this question is a result of #105 and fortunately only concerns non-LD JSON.

I do not have a good idea on what to do regarding JSON. I would like JSON serializations to be implementable without additional effort. It might make sense to (again) declare that out of scope for OpenGovLD. I am certainly open for suggestions.

akuckartz commented 9 years ago

A property (serialization ?) can be used to indicate the JSON serialization variant. And we can decide that one of the variants is the default.

akuckartz commented 9 years ago

Profiles can be used to determine different JSON serialisations, but that mechanism perhaps is to complicated.

The 'profile' Link Relation Type

Profiles could be (examples):

That could help to avoid spending effort on discussing different application/json serializations. I am not that interested in application/json anyway ;-)

See also:

The Profile URI Registry

akuckartz commented 9 years ago prefers CamelCase:

Note on naming conventions uses the following naming convention. We request that you follow this naming convention for your extensions as well.

  • Types and Enumerations start with a capital letter and are CamelCase.
  • Properties start with a lower case letter and are also camelCase.