OpenGovLD / specs

Linked Data vocabulary and API for parliamentary and committee information systems
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Add law authorities #144

Open ppKrauss opened 8 years ago

ppKrauss commented 8 years ago

As described by Wiki, some organizations can be authorities, and like implemented at OpenGovLD/skos/terms.jsonld, some concepts are authority names or class of authorities. The suggestion is to expand to all kind of "legal power" officially used in European N-Lex,, Brazilian LexML, etc.

Example: the Lex-URN inspired Brazilian's authority concept scheme at autoridade-rdf.xml (a SKOS-RDF file) lists all authorities of a statutory obligation norms-set of Brazilians federal government.

Concept of "law authority''... it is a "house of norms", examples:

akuckartz commented 8 years ago

@ppKrauss Thanks a lot for this suggestion, the links and the examples. I will have a close look early next year :)