To facilitate the use of data in the public sector while significantly increasing the
value of datasets for subsequent re-use, it is recommended that datasets be:
[ ] a) published online in their original, unmodified form to ensure timely release;
[ ] b) published and updated at the highest possible level of granularity to ensure
[ ] c) published and maintained at a stable location, preferably on the highest
organisational level within the administration, to ensure easy access and long-
term availability;
[ ] d) published in machine-readable and open formats (CSV, JSON, XML, RDF,
etc.) to enhance accessibility;
[ ] e) described in rich metadata formats and classified according to standard
vocabularies (DCAT, EUROVOC, ADMS, etc.) to facilitate searching and
[ ] f) accessible as data dumps (massive outputs of data) as well as through
application programming interfaces (APIs) to facilitate automatic processing;
[ ] g) accompanied by explanatory documents on the metadata and controlled
vocabularies used, to promote the interoperability of databases; and
[ ] h) subject to regular feedback from re-users (public consultations, comments box,
blogs, automated reporting, etc.) to maintain quality over time and promote
public involvement.
To facilitate the use of data in the public sector while significantly increasing the value of datasets for subsequent re-use, it is recommended that datasets be:
Commission Notice Guidelines on recommended standard licences, datasets and charging for the re-use of documents