OpenGovLD / specs

Linked Data vocabulary and API for parliamentary and committee information systems
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One or two URLs per file? Getting rid of `Content-Disposition` http-header #91

Open akuckartz opened 9 years ago

akuckartz commented 9 years ago

In (German) it was suggested to provide two URLs per file, accessurl and downloadurl (these properties are contained in the current OParl draft). Accessing the second URL results to a "Content-Disposition" http-header being transmitted to the client. See RFC 6266 ( Attachment and Inline.

This looks like a cludge (security, data in http-header, server complexity) and hopefully is not necessary. Verify that there is no solution which only requires one URL.

akuckartz commented 9 years ago

Having read the discussion on (German) again I do not see any good reason to keep the downloadurlproperty (neither as SHOULD nor OPTIONAL). The last component of the URL path can be the filename. Then there is no need to transmit the filename in the disposition header.