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XML files for the works in the First Thousand Years of Greek Project. Please see our Wiki on how to contribute.
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(tlg3135).tlg3135.tlg004_tlg3135.tlg005_to_tlg3135.tlg011_tlg3135.tlg012 #2668

Closed AlisonBabeu closed 2 years ago

AlisonBabeu commented 2 years ago

Re #2667 I am merging tlg3135.tlg004 and tlg3135.tlg005 into tlg3135.tlg001 since the Argumenta and Chronologia have never been considered separate works from the Epitome Historiarum.

@lcerrato I'm not sure if this merge will work so if this file fails I'll go back and make sure my container units and other items are valid. Thanks!

lcerrato commented 2 years ago

@AlisonBabeu I think this is moot, but for future reference,—

1) you have two documents with a CTS structure of chapter/book and a third with section, so that would have to be resolved within the refsDecl and div structure. The chronology can't be one level= section because your refsDecl indicates there are two levels and neither is called section.

2) you have added in the two additional works without creating a new container, which results in the errors of duplicate nodes (passages) as seen in the log report:

So, both the original file and the argumentum have the same structure (book/chapter) and since the argumentum is notations on the original edition, the structure numeration is identical in places. Essentially, you've added a second, duplicate set of passages without a container level superseding these that would differentiate between them.

3) To make this work, you have to a) add a new container level that indicates there are three parts here (=works), and name these; and b) you have to add two levels to the chronology and adjust it so that "section" becomes "chapter", so that you'd have a dummy "book" level (just one book) and then the sections are now chapters. (Or do the alternative with the other two works.)

TL;DR is that adding files to the end of the edition doesn't play nice with the CTS structure because you then do not have unique divs/containers throughout the new file.