OpenGreekAndLatin / First1KGreek

XML files for the works in the First Thousand Years of Greek Project. Please see our Wiki on how to contribute.
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tlg1595.tlg370_missing almost entire text of work #2695

Open AlisonBabeu opened 1 year ago

AlisonBabeu commented 1 year ago

The TEI-XML file of Volumina Rhetorica/ΠΕΡΙ ΡΗΤΟΡΙΚΗΣ only contains the Greek text from the Supplementum to this edition, which ironically was also the only part that wasn't on the original pick list.

According to the pick list, this TEI-XML file should include Philodemi Volumnia Rhetorica (Vols 1-2), 1892-1896, 1: 1-385; 2:1-303, and was last listed as underway.

This file instead includes the Greek text from Volume 3, the Supplementum (found here, although for once the cts metadata is correct.