OpenGreekAndLatin / First1KGreek

XML files for the works in the First Thousand Years of Greek Project. Please see our Wiki on how to contribute.
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first translation added #2725

Closed gregorycrane closed 1 year ago

gregorycrane commented 1 year ago

I added the translation for one work of Philo and finally got it to pass Hooktest's dark arts. This passes on my Hooktest and now I will make sure it passes when I push it to a branch on OGL

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@gregorycrane Happy to help with cts metadata format and up to date headers. I see this was already pushed, but @AlisonBabeu and I have standard formats for the cts files and the header that we can show you and/or add input on so that we don't have to go back and correct.

We have the title which is the catalog title, the labels are the titles in the book(s) themselves (so usually Greek for Greek, not Latin or English), etc.

The header is incomplete and not updated (I see things like "la" and the various titles. Whatever was created in 2014 is not going to be all that great.

It would be ideal to be assigned as a reviewer because I could change all of this here in GitHub to show you an example before the push rather than doing this back and forth after the fact which creates conflicts.

Also, we create catalog issues for new editions at the time of push as otherwise the new works are not in the catalog. That's one of the final workflow steps.

I can make edits now but I do not want to affect later pulls on your branch so please let either of us know if we can provide an example file or other input.