OpenGreekAndLatin / First1KGreek

XML files for the works in the First Thousand Years of Greek Project. Please see our Wiki on how to contribute.
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Tlg0018 eng1 #2726

Open gregorycrane opened 1 year ago

gregorycrane commented 1 year ago

This is the translation for work 1 of Philo. The comments about the Greek (such as adding the base URN) will be much the same. I should do some more work (such as embedding the notes in their locations better) but this could be serviceable. There are 730,000 words of translation -- a lot to go over. I have compared this text with another OCR-generated version and I think the accuracy is pretty good.

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@AlisonBabeu For header and CTS input as well as catalog new edition work

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

see also #2725 (not sure of differences between that file and this file here?)

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

more on base element

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@gregorycrane @AlisonBabeu I have to pre-submit hours these days so I may not immediately be on this given the schedule here. Thus my fragmented comments on this and the related (?) issue. I'm trying to pull together a bunch of threads in a very hasty way to provide assistance but I have not yet looked carefully at the work.

Alison may want to do a cts/header review at the end of this or provide a header checklist now. (This header is very strange but I have not worked in this translation repo, so that might be because it is from 2014). Typically when working on a corpus, I do all of the metadata first rather than going back and forth. Where much of these will be from the same print volume, that should be easy.

AlisonBabeu commented 1 year ago

hi @lcerrato and @gregorycrane I will try to offer some useful comments on the header and cts metadata. And to save some work, rather than creating a catalog_pending issue for each translation I've created one ( for this whole batch to remind to create metadata for them as the work goes along. I've also added various comments on both files that I hope are helpful.

gregorycrane commented 1 year ago

more on base element

Added this to both Philo and Lucian