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(tlg0061) new work Pseudo-Lucian #2745

Closed gregorycrane closed 11 months ago

gregorycrane commented 1 year ago

I bumped into a blog that turns out to be by Neven (

He points out that there is no open edition of Pseudo-Lucian (tlg0061). This seems still to be true. If so, its a great job, finite and of great interest, with good printed editions.

AlisonBabeu commented 1 year ago

hi @gregorycrane just copying here what I sent by email:

So we didn't miss Pseudo-Lucian in the sense that it is on the First1K data entry list (lines 645-652), it just looks like it wasn't one of the authors/texts that was done in one of our various data entry sprints the last few years.

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

The spreadsheet implies there is a Lace output for these files somewhere.

This is no longer in Lace or in Trello but these look like 2013-2014 OCR runs, so it probably pre-dates Trello.

I do not see the raw files in the Google drive, either.

There are random DDD outputs stashed in these repos as well as elsewhere, but I have no idea where to look for these.

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

See also

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@AlisonBabeu what is the workgroup for tlg0061? The catalog does not designate Pseudo-Lucian versus Lucian.

AlisonBabeu commented 1 year ago

hey @lcerrato somehow I missed this, you are right that Pseudo-Lucian doesn't have a separate record in the catalog, although some pseudo authors do have one. Current catalog practice is now to create an authority record/separate textgroup for each unique identifier. Even worse, it turns out there was an error in the catalog metadata and for some reason this textgroup URN had Philostratus the Athenian in the metadata,which I have fixed.

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@AlisonBabeu What should I use for the workgroup in the cts metadata and author?

AlisonBabeu commented 1 year ago

hi @lcerrato I would use Pseudo-Lucian in all honesty. We have been using Pseudo-Author name for all the author pseudo authors in the collection.

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

Some notes: punctuation was not captured well (many commas are periods, many semicolons not captured, etc.; strange theta appears, most capital letters not captured well).

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

Done all works in volumes 1 and 3. Need to run volume 2.