OpenGreekAndLatin / First1KGreek

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(tlg0018.yonge2) -- adding C D Yonge's translations of Philo #2757

Closed gregorycrane closed 1 year ago

gregorycrane commented 1 year ago

Comments are in

AlisonBabeu commented 1 year ago

So hi @gregorycrane and @lcerrato , two comments to start:

1) I'm not sure why this pull request is not working in terms of the Hooktest, all of the 18 English translations are giving the error: "Naming conventions". I double checked to make sure the URNs were correct in both the cts_.xml file and the TEI-XML file, and that seems to be correct. And there are other working XML files in 1st1K with the extension 1st1K-eng1

2) Titles are still reversed in all of these files in that all of them have 'The Works of Philo Judaeus' in the main header, instead of the individual work title as listed in the cts_.xml files, and the titles of the works are instead found in the ' ' which is where the volume title should be.

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@AlisonBabeu @gregorycrane The files are not passing as the file names have a lower case "k" and the cts metadata has an upper case "K"

See also my note about the lang attribute removal.

gregorycrane commented 1 year ago

The hooktest on my mac passes 1st1k with lower case k - it seems to be case insensitive.

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@gregorycrane Hook test is not case sensitive. This is a frequent error with the CHS volunteer submissions and one I have seen many, many times.

gregorycrane commented 1 year ago

I have reworked the files and will try yet again.

gregorycrane commented 1 year ago

Trying hooktest again. I should have gotten the other fixes as well. The lower case 1st1k surprised me (because my local system acted in a case insensitive way when I copied files).

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@gregorycrane Hooktest is never totally going to cover you as we have texts (like the one I am working on) that can pass but not display properly in the reader, or have missing sections, dropped text, etc.

A single test PR with a single sample/test file before doing a whole batch is always a very helpful approach to narrow down the items in a batch that need attention.

gregorycrane commented 1 year ago

Ok -- the hooktest passed here too!

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@gregorycrane @AlisonBabeu I think this is just about ready. I'd like to fix the quotation marks (straight/curly, <q> <quote> and the notes, but can either do that now or in another pass.

I think the Greek edition labels should be Greek, but that can go in the other PR. (Very hard to track two massive overlapping batches!)

Welcome further input here.

AlisonBabeu commented 1 year ago

hi @lcerrato and @gregorycrane I am happy to take a pass over the translations after all the textual fixes you mention are done. I think I would suggest focusing on fixing any other lingering textual issues here with notes, quotes, etc. and then merging this. Then I can do a run over all of the title, cts_.xml metadata etc. when I create catalog data in a separate pull request,does that sound like a doable plan?

gregorycrane commented 1 year ago

I think this is good enough to go. We have a lot to do and what we have -- our first translation -- will be a big win.

We will next have the Greek and the English from the Loeb to add to this, so we will have two Greek texts and two translations of Philo. The Loeb Greek and English sould be pretty clean but we will see.

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@gregorycrane @AlisonBabeu I am happy to fix the things I noticed in the body of the files—I think it would be better to do so now than push back (I really prefer that given the current workflow). If no one else has current work, I can do that today/tomorrow and then merge.

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

Just noticed that Greek is used but not declared.

lcerrato commented 1 year ago

@gregorycrane I think this is too labor-intensive to handle via GitHub, given there is another overlapping PR active. I just can't manage to do it efficiently this way.

If you can easily automatically add the missing Greek lang declaration to the header of the remaining files (did the first two), I will flag the batch for further work later. (Make sure to pull before pushing)

The biggest thing is the duplicate/errant notes.