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(tlg2022.tlg007.opp-grc1) TS corrections for Gregory's "First Theological Oration" #2763

Open GioDH18 opened 1 year ago

GioDH18 commented 1 year ago

I have now made several close pass-throught of the Greek of Mason's edition of Gregory of Nazianzus's "First Theological Oration" (Orat. 27) and have noticed some errors in the transcription. I have listed them below by line of text and page number to be corrected.

Once these corrections are made, the text can be pulled to the main Perseus/Scaife interface and we can use this as the basis of a Beyond Translation edition.


GioDH18 commented 1 year ago

Some other corrections:

On several lines, ‘Επεὶ should be Ἐπεὶ. This can be fixed with search-and-replace. Line 1263: add χρὴ at the end of the line

lcerrato commented 11 months ago

revised to include correct (?) URN